Distinguished Lecture Series: Sabine Süsstrunk

3. Juli 2024, 11:30 Uhr

On Generating Image and Video Hallucinations

Zeit: 3. Juli 2024, 11:30 Uhr
  Universitätstraße 32.101, Campus Vaihingen of the University of Stuttgart. The talk will take place in person
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We are pleased to announce the upcoming ELLIS Distinguished Lecture Series talk by Sabine Süsstrunk (EPFL Lausanne)! Looking forward to seeing you all there! No registration necessary. 

The talk will be followed by an informal reception during which finger food and drinks will be provided.

Professor Süsstrunk will also be available for meetings on July 3rd. If you are interested in scheduling a meeting, please email ellis-office@uni-stuttgart.de.

Title: On Generating Image and Video Hallucinations

Abstract: Hallucination” is a term used in the AI community to describe the plausible falsehoods produced by deep generative neural networks. It is often considered a negative, especially in relation with large language models or medical image reconstruction. Yet, in many computational photography applications, we rely on such hallucinations to create pleasing images. It often does not matter if all (or any) information was present in the real world if the produced falsehoods are visually plausible. Starting from that premise, I will present our recent work on hallucinations in image reconstruction, semantic editing, and texture synthesis, using different generative models such as diffusion networks, neural radiance fields, and neural cellular automata. With a nod to the dangers some of these hallucinations might pose, I will also briefly discuss our work on deep fake detection.

Bio: Sabine Süsstrunk is Full Professor and Director of the Image and Visual Representation Lab in the School of Computer and Communication Sciences (IC) at the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale (EPFL), Lausanne, Switzerland. Her main research areas are in computational photography and imaging, color computer vision, and computational image quality and aesthetics. She received the IS&T/SPIE 2013 Electronic Imaging Scientist of the Year Award for her contributions to color imaging, computational photography, and image quality, and the 2018 IS&T Raymond C. Bowman and the 2020 EPFL AGEPoly IC Polysphere Awards for excellence in teaching. Sabine is a Fellow of ELLIS, IEEE, and IS&T, and is President of the Swiss Science Council (SSC).

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