Information for Alumni

Department of Mathematics

Newsletter and invitations for friends of the dempartment, graduates and former members of the Department of Mathematics


Sign in the Mailinglist Mathematics-Alumni to recieve invitations and newsletters of the department.



Events at the Department of Mathematics

Annual summer meeting of Mathematics und Physics

In June the annual summer party of the Faculty 8 takes place at the campus in Stuttgart-Vaihingen. After a guest lecture and the award of the student council of Mathematics and Physics for excellent lectures, snacks, cold drinks and music invites to have a talk to staff members and alumni of the department. 

Summer Party of Mathematics and Physics 2024:  TBA

Graduation Ceremony of the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics

The Graduation Ceremony of the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics takes place every December. The celebrations had two highlights: receiving the graduation award and handover of congratulation letters for a successful graduation.

Alumni and friends of the department are invited to join the ceremony, please register for attendence.

Graduation Ceremony 2025:       7. Februar 2025

Alumni of the Department of Mathematics - please contact:

This image shows Elke Gangl

Elke Gangl


Office of the Vice Dean

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