The Department of Mathematics conducts research in many important and modern fields of mathematics. On the one hand, strong fundamental research and the interplay between mathematical fields play a key role. On the other hand, research topics are inspired by interdisciplinary questions in natural, engineering, life and economic sciences, leading to the development of new mathematical methods and foundations.
Members of the Department of Mathematics participate in the Cluster of Excellence SimTech and in various Collaborative Reseach Centers and Research Training Groups. They maintain strong international and national collaborations, and sustain several large software projects.
Research Areas
Prof. Dr. M. Geck | Algebra, Representation theory, algebraic groups and Lie-Algebren, Computer algebra |
Prof. Dr. A. Henke | Representation theory of groups and algebras, Combinatorial representation theory, Algebraic combinatorics |
Prof. Dr. S. König | Algebra, Representation theory, Homological and categorical structures |
Prof. Dr. M. Griesemer | Dynamics and spectral theory of many-particle quantum systems, Variational methods in quantum mechanics |
Prof. TeknD T. Weidl | Spectral theory, Mathematical physics |
Apl. Prof. Dr. J. Wirth | Analysis of partial differential equations, Operator theory, Harmonic analysis in Rn and on Lie groups |
Prof. Dr. F. Witt | global Analysis |
Apl.Prof. Dr. W.-P. Düll | Nonlinear partial differential equations, Mathematical fluid mechanics, Justification of approximation equations, Multi-scale methods in mathematical modelling |
Prof. Dr. C. Scherer | Systems theory and optimisation, Analysis of uncertain dynamical systems, Robust controller synthesis |
Prof. Dr. G. Schneider |
Nonlinear partial differential equations, Diffusive and dispersive dynamics, Multi-scale problems in mathematical modelling |
Priv.-Doz. Dr. A. Degeratu | Differential geometry, Complex geometry, Partial differential equations, Gauge theory, Mathematical physics, Mathematical biology |
Prof. Dr. M. Eisermann | Geometric topology, Low-dimensional manifolds, Group theory, Algorithms and computer algebra |
Apl. Prof. Dr. A. Kollross | Lie group actions, Riemannian homogeneous and symmetric spaces |
Prof. Dr. U. Semmelmann | Spin geometry and Dirac operators, Geometric differential equations, Holonomy theory and special geometric structures |
Prof. Dr. F. Witt | Differential and algebraic geometry |
Priv.-Doz. Dr. A. Degeratu | Differential geometry, Complex geometry, Partial differential equations, Gauge theory, Mathematical physics, Mathematical biology |
Apl.Prof. Dr. W.-P. Düll | Nonlinear partial differential equations, Mathematical fluid mechanics, Justification of approximation equations, Multi-scale methods in mathematical modelling |
Prof. Dr. M. Griesemer | Dynamics and spectral theory of many-particle quantum systems, Variational methods in quantum mechanics |
Priv.-Doz. Dr. P. Lesky | Partial differential equations, Spectral theory for self-adjoint operators, Energy estimates for solutions of nonlinear wave equations |
Prof. TeknD T. Weidl | Spectral theory, Mathematical physics |
Prof. Dr. F. Witt | Quantum Theory |
Apl. Prof. Dr. W.-P. Düll | Nonlinear partial differential equations, Mathematical fluid mechanics, Justification of approximation equations, Multi-scale methods in mathematical modeling |
Prof. Dr. B. Haasdonk | Model reduction and data-based modelling, Numerical simulation, Machine learning |
Prof. Dr. M. Herdegen |
Stochastic Forward and Backward Equations, Equilibria in Financial Markets, Frictions in Financial Markets, Market-Making, Risk measures |
Jun.-Prof. Christina Lienstromberg |
Nonlinear partial differential equations: modelling, analysis, mathematical fluid dynamics |
Prof. Dr. Nicole Radde | Stochastic Modeling and Simulation of cellular systems, Systems-theoretic methods for intracellular regulation mechanisms |
Priv.-Doz. Dr. I. Rybak | Flows in porous media, numerical methods for multi-scale problems |
Prof. Dr. G. Schneider |
Nonlinear partial differential equations, Diffusive and dispersive dynamics, Multi-scale problems in mathematical modelling |
Prof. Dr. A. Barth | Stochastic partial differential equations, Uncertainty quantification, Stochastic analysis |
Prof. Dr. D. Göddeke | High performance computing, GPU computing, Applications in optimisation, geo- and life sciences |
Prof. Dr. B. Haasdonk | Model reduction and data-based modelling, Numerical simulation, Machine learning |
Prof. Dr. B. Hahn-Rigaud |
(Dynamic) Inverse Problems / Imaging / Data Analysis and Image Processing |
Prof. Dr. C. Rohde | Modelling, analysis, simulation with nonlinear partial differential equations, Mathematical fluid mechanics / CFD |
Priv.-Doz. Dr. I. Rybak | Flows in porous media, Numerical methods for multi-scale problems |
Prof. Dr. B. Stamm | Numerics of partial differential equations, Atomistic simulations, Eigenvalue problems, Model reduction |
Prof. Dr. B. Hahn-Rigaud |
(Dynamic) Inverse Problems / Imaging / Data Analysis and Image Processing |
Prof. Dr. M. Herdegen |
Stochastic Optimal Control, Portfolio Optimisation, Market Making |
Prof. Dr. C. Scherer | Systems theory and optimisation, Analysis of uncertain dynamical systems, Robust controller synthesis |
Priv.-Doz. Dr. A. Degeratu | Differential geometry, Complex geometry, Partial differential equations, Gauge theory, Mathematical physics, Mathematical biology |
Apl. Prof. Dr. W.-P. Düll | Nionlinear partial differential equations, Mathematical fluid mechanics, Justification of approximation equations, Multi-scale methods in mathematical modelling |
Jun.-Prof. Christina Lienstromberg |
Nonlinear partial differential equations: modelling, analysis, mathematical fluid dynamics |
Prof. Dr. C. Rohde | Modelling, analysis, numerics with nonlinear partial differential equations, Mathematical fluid mechanics / CFD |
Prof. Dr. G. Schneider |
Nonlinear partial differential equations, Diffusive and dispersive dynamics, Multi-scale problems in mathematical modelling |
Apl. Prof. Dr. J. Wirth | Analysis of partial differential equations, Operator theory, Harmonic analysis in Rn and on Lie groups |
Prof. Dr. C. Hesse | Nonparametric theory of estimation, especially deconvolution, Statistical analysis of voting systems, Differential equations with random initial conditions |
Jun.-Prof. Dr. M. Oesting | Extreme value statistics, spatial statistics, simulation of stochastic processes |
Prof. Dr. Nicole Radde | Statistical methods for model calibration with sparse data in systems biology |
Prof. Dr. A. Barth | Stochastic partial differential equations, Uncertainty quantification, Stochastic analysis |
Priv.-Doz. Dr. J. Dippon | Stochastic analysis, Stochastic models in biology and medicine, Mathematical finance |
Prof. Dr. M. Herdegen | Stochastic Analysis, Stochastic Optimal Control, Mathematical Finance, Mathematical Economics |
Jun.-Prof. Dr. M. Oesting | Extreme value statistics, spatial statistics, simulation of stochastic processes |
Prof. Dr. Nicole Radde | Stochastic Modeling and Simulation of cellular systems, Statistical methods for model calibration with sparse data in systems biology |
Prof. Dr. I. Steinwart | Statistical learning theory and machine learning, Cluster analysis, neural networks |
Prof. Dr. M. Eisermann | Geometric topology, in particular low-dimensional manifolds, Group theory, Algorithms and computer algebra |
Prof. Dr. D. Göddeke | High performance computing, GPU computing, Applications in optimisation, geo- and life sciences |
Prof. Dr. B. Stamm | Numerics of partial differential equations, Atomistic simulations, Eigenvalue problems, Model reduction |
Prof. Dr. I. Steinwart | Efficient implementations of learning algorithms, Applications for learning algorithms, neural networks |
Contact person for specific project inquiries:

Dominik Göddeke
Prof. Dr.Vice Dean Mathematics