Outgoing - Studying Abroad

Department of Mathematics

All information concerning exchange possibilities - Department of Mathematics

Studying mathematics is internationally oriented and offers a wide range of international contacts as well as a multitude of possibilities to spend time abroad. There are individual programs, e.g. from the DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) or from the Federal State of Baden-Württemberg  (available in German only).

All information concerning possibilities to study abroad and financial support are available from our International Office.

Caroline Mattes: Auslandsstudium at the University of Bergen/Norway
Lina Baier: Study abroad at the University of Limerick/Ireland

Interview with Elisabeth Schaettgen including information about the Erasmusprogram


Erasmus – Programme

Erasmus+ is the EU's programme to support education, training, youth and sport in Europe. Since 1987 it supports the mobility of students as well as teaching and administrative staff of universities.
The Department of Mathematics has numerous cooperations from Norway to Spain, from Ireland to Turkey. We offer more than 20 exchange possibilities at interesting European Universities and every year, our students take the chance to study one or more terms abroad. Among the most popular partner universities are

  •  Uppsala University, Sweden
  •  University of Bergen, Norway
  •  University of Limerick and
  •  Universities in Paris and Grenoble, France

Erasmus Department Coordinator for the Department of Mathematics is
Prof. Dr. Carsten Scherer.

For all administrative questions you may contact: 
Mrs Elisabeth Schaettgen

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