This image shows Claus-Justus Heine

Claus-Justus Heine


Faculty 8
Department of Mathematics


Pfaffenwaldring 57
70569 Stuttgart
Room: 8.154


  1. 2016

    1. Gaspoz, F. D., Heine, C.-J., & Siebert, K. G. Optimal Grading of the Newest Vertex Bisection and H1-Stability of the L2-Projection. IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis, 36(3), 1217–1241.
  2. 2013

    1. Heine, C.-J., Möller, C. A., Peter, M. A., & Siebert, K. G. Multiscale adaptive simulations of concrete carbonation taking into account the evolution of the microstructure. In C. Hellmich, B. Pichler, & D. Adam (Eds.), Poromechanics (Vol. V, pp. 1964--1972). ASCE.
  3. 2010

    1. Deckelnick, K., Dziuk, G., Elliott, C. M., & Heine, C.-J. An h-narrow band finite-element method for elliptic equations on implicit surfaces, 30(2), 351–376.
  4. 2008

    1. Heine, C.-J. Finite element methods on unfitted meshes. Preprint Fak. f. Math. Phys. Univ. Freiburg, (8).
  5. 2006

    1. Heine, C.-J. Computations of form and stability of rotating drops with finite elements. IMA J. Numer. Anal., 26(4), 723--751.
  6. 2004

    1. Heine, C.-J. Isoparametric finite element approximation of curvature on hypersurfaces. Preprint Fak. f. Math. Phys. Univ. Freiburg, (26).
  7. 2003

    1. Heine, C.-J. Computations of form and stability of rotating drops with finite elements (Dissertation). Aachen.

Summer term 2017

  • Blockkurs: Implementierung Finiter Elemente mit Dune::Fem
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