Department of Physics

Faculty 8

The Department of Physics at the University of Stuttgart is characterized by a large variety of internationally renowned research in which our students and PhD candidates are closely involved.

Graduation Ceremony February 2nd 2024

graduation ceremony


The physicists at the University of Stuttgart apply themselves to both fundamental research as well as application-oriented research in the fields of solid state physics, atomic and quantum optics, photonics, quantum technologies, soft matter physics, strongly correlated many-body systems, physical modeling and numerical simulation. The application-oriented branches of research are active in numerous research alliances, both within the university as well as with the neighboring Fraunhofer Institutes and industry. There is also a close cooperation with the two Max-Planck Institutes in Stuttgart.


Physics is a natural science that deals with fundamental phenomena of nature. Graduates from the faculty are trained in these fundamental questions and problems, learn a wide range of experimental and theoretical methods, and are directly involved in the reseach of the department while working on scientific degree projects.

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