Time: | November 27, 2018, 4:15 p.m. (CET) |
University, Lecture Hall V57.01 | |
Lecturer: | Stefan Rotter, TU Wien |
Venue: | University Lecture Hall V57.01 |
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In my talk I will discuss the recent exciting developments associated with non-Hermitian degeneracies, also known as “exceptional points” [1]. After having been studied mostly in the domain of mathematical physics, quite a number of experiments have recently demonstrated how the presence of exceptional points leads to very counter-intuitive effects, such as loss-induced lasing, chiral field modes, topological energy transfer etc. I will try to provide an introduction to this topic as well as an overview of the many different areas of physics in which exceptional points are meanwhile being explored.
[1] El-Ganainy, Makris, Khajavikhan, Musslimani, Rotter, Christodoulides, Nature Physics 14, 11 (2018)