Committees and Functions

Department of Physics

All of the Committees and Functions at a glance.

Short list of the most important comitees at the Faculty 8 and the Department of Physics.

The Gender Equality Officers of the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics support the gender mainstreaming of men and women within the Faculty 8.

Equal Opportunity Commissioner, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics:

Deputy Equal Opportunity Commissioner, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics:

See also:


The Faculty Council is the central organ of the faculty that discusses and decides on all matters related to the faculty. This includes, for example, amending exam regulations, appointment proposals, the establishment of institutions in the faculty and the constitution of all further faculty committees. The Mathematics Department Committee and the Physics Department Committee are advisory bodies to the Faculty Council.
The Faculty Council meets four times during the lecture period in the winter semester and three times in the summer semester.

Chairperson: The Dean of Faculty 8


  • All Professors of the Faculty
  • three representatives of the Academic Staff (currently: M. Jetter, F. Stoll, D. Zimmermann)
  • one representatives of Technology and Administration Staff (currently: O. Nagel)
  • nine student representatives
  • three doctoral student representatives

Faculty 8 has two PhD Committees, one each for the Department of Mathematics and the Department of Physics. The PhD Committee members are the professors on the Faculty Council as well as the Junior Professors and the Associate Professors for the respective subject. The Chairperson of the Doctoral Committee is the respective Vice Dean of the Departments of Mathematics and the Department of Physics.

PhD Committee Mathematics: Vice Dean for the Department of Mathematics

PhD Committee Physics: Vice Dean for the Department of Physics

Further information:

Doctoral Degree Studies in the Department of Mathematics

Doctoral Degree Studies in the Department of Physics

The Habilitation Committee comprises all full-time professors as well as all habilitated persons in the Faculty. The chairperson of the PhD Committee is the Dean.

The Department Committee prepares resolutions for the Faculty Council and advises it on all matters related to physics. The Physics Department Committee meets before each meeting of the Faculty Council.

Chairperson: The Vice Dean for Physics of Faculty 8


  • All Professors and all Permanent Associate Professors of the Department of Physics
  • Representatives of the Academic Staff of the Department of Physics (current representative: M. Jetter, M. Hentschel)
  • Representatives of Technology and Administration of the Department of Physics (current representative: O. Nagel)
  • Student Representatives of the Physics Study Programs


Deans of Studies


This image shows Annabell Grasse

Annabell Grasse


Office of the Dean and of the Vice Dean Physics

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