The institutes of the Department of Physics are located on the campus in Stuttgart-Vaihingen.
Office of the Department of Physics und Institutes, 3rd - 6th Floor Pfaffenwaldring 57 (NWZ II) |
other Sites:
ICP, IHFG Allmandring 3 |
Plan of the site
Arriving by Public Transportation
From Stuttgart main station with the S-Bahn (suburban railway)
- S1 in the direction of Herrenberg
- S2 in the direction of Vaihingen / Flughafen/Messe / Filderstadt or
- S3 in the direction of Vaihingen / Flughafen/Messe
to the "Universität" stop (journey time: 10 minutes)
From Stuttgart Airport with the S-Bahn (suburban railway)
- S2 in the direction of Schorndorf or
- S3 in the direction of Backnang
to the "Universität" stop (journey time: 17 minutes)
- If arriving by train, we recommend that you buy a ticket up to the “Stuttgart-Universität” stop. There will then be no further charges for the stretch between Stuttgart main station and Stuttgart-Vahingen by public transport.
- A ticket has to be purchased for two tariff zones for the S-Bahn from either the main station or airport to the university (single ticket or multiple-trip tickets).
- Most of the institutes of Faculty 8 are at Pfaffenwaldring 57 (NWZ II), the north exit from the S-Bahn station (exit marked “Universitätszentrum”) in 5 minutes walking distance.
- Timetable information VVS (more detailed information in german)
Arriving by
- A8 motorway to the “Autobahnkreuz Stuttgart”, then towards “Stuttgart Zentrum”
- A 831 motorway and B14 main road
- after the “Johannesgraben-Tunnel” - take the “Universität” exit and
- turn left at the major crossroads into “Universitätsstraße”
- turn right after the second set of pedestrian lights and past the “Universität” bus stop into Pfaffenwaldring
- The Office of the Dean of Faculty 8 as well as the majority of the institutes can be found in the building at Pfaffenwaldring.
- The Office of the Dean of Faculty 8 as well as the majority of the institutes can be found in the building at Pfaffenwaldring 57, on floors two to eight.
- Parking spaces can be found on Allandring, after the building at Allmandring 3
You can plan your route to the campus sites using the komoot route planning app with just few clicks. It calculates the fastest and best route for cyclists.

Annabell Grasse
Office of the Dean and of the Vice Dean Physics