Directly to
- C@mpus
Schedule, Examination Registration, et cetera - Examination Office
- Exam Regulations
- Bachelor Thesis - Regulations
- Master Thesis - Regulations
- Admissions Office
First Aid
Course Directors
Contact person for any question regarding the study program. Also helpfull, if you need help in finding the appropriate contact person.
Advisors and Counselors:
- Dean of Studies
The Professor who is in charge of a study program. - 'Studienbüro Physik'
The physics student office is the administration support for the Deans of Studies and the Chairpersons of the Examination Boards. This office also handles the administration of the master thesis.
Further, you can seek counseling here:
Examinations are registered and administered via C@MPUS. In case of any difficulties, please contact:
In case of any difficulties, please contact the examiner of your module directly.
- Examination Office
Administrative - Oral Examinations in Experimental Physics
Oral Examinations in Experimental Physics need to be registered with Mrs. Blümlein at the Physics Examination Office. - Chairperson of the Examination Board
i.e. for the transfer of credits from abroad.
he Physics Student Council represents the interest of the student at the Physics Department, i.e. the improvement of the curriculum. [more]
The learning space physics gives you the opportunity to connect and study together with other students of the faculty of physics.
We offer an open learning space two times a week. Here, we want to give students the opportunity to network and help each other. The learning space refers to students of all semesters and is mentored by experienced students.
The open learning space will take place every Wednesday and Friday at 2 p.m. in the room 2.120.
You find us on the C@mpus system under the number 000212000 "Lernunterstützung Physik 1.-6. Semester".
On top of that we want to point you towards our Discord server, on which we want all students of physics to network and help each other.
Students receive guidance and assistance throughout the first phase of their studies.
- Group Mentoring
Meet people, exchange experiences and get insightful tips from our professors, PhD candidates and upper-level students in a relaxed atmosphere. - Informational Events
Keep informed about important things concerning your studies throughout the semester! - Excursions
We visit at least one Research Laboratory or Institution per Semester. Get to know Physics from a completely new perspective!
BAföG is the abbreviation for Bundesausbildungsförderungsgesetz, or Federal Training Assistance Act, which provides state funding for high school and university students to pursue education and training. The stated aim of BAföG is to enable young people to take up education or training, even where their individual social and economic circumstances might not allow it.
A Transcript of Records printed out from the C@mpus-platform or issued by the Examination Office is sufficient proof of regular studies for the BAföG-Office. Form N° 5 does not need to be filled out additionally.
The Department of Physics has defined the following number of credits accounted by the BAföG-Office as a regular course of study.
These minimal requirements apply without exemption.
B.Sc. Physics
Upon completion of the 2nd semester: 42 ECTS
Upon completion of the 3rd semester: 54 ECTS
Upon completion of the 4th semester: 82 ECTS
Upon completion of the 5th semester: 98 ECTS
Teacher Education Degree (nach GymPO I)
(Physics and Didactics Modules)
Upon completion of the 2nd semester: 18 ECTS
Upon completion of the 3rd semester: 27 ECTS
Upon completion of the 4th semester: 42 ECTS
Upon completion of the 5th semester: 53 ECTS
Only ECTS Credit points acquired in the respective curriculum are valid, modules of the master program are not valid in this calculation.
Please contact Dr. Kathrin Gallmeister, the BAföG-Advisor for the Study Programs in the Department of Physics if you have any further questions.
The choice of the appropriate degree program is not an easy decision for high school graduates. In order to provide prospective students with guidance and to avoid unnecessary dropouts, the University of Stuttgart has created the "Study Compass Stuttgart". This offer is more than just a simple website with information. The Study Compass Stuttgart guides you to questions that are especially important for the study programme, similar to a counselling interview. Various offerings, such as films and arithmetic exercises, help you to answer these questions for yourself. A counselling interview can't be replaced, but it is a good initial assessment. The Department of Physics participates in this project with the degree programs "B.Sc. Physics" and "B.A. Gymnasiales Lehramt Physik". The Study Compass Stuttgart offers a brief introduction to the subject of choice, information on the important skills for studying, a check of interests and expectations, examples with typical topics of the subject and interviews with students and professors. In addition, the Study Compass Stuttgart provides an overview of the career fields of graduates.
You want to remember more subject matter from lectures? You need some pointers on how to improve your learning techniques or prepare for your exams in time?
The learning counseling offered by the Student Counseling Center helps you to organize your learning in a more efficient manner. You are cordially invited to our workshops on various topics and counseling sessions for single students.
Mailinglist "Physikstudium"
The Department of Physics informs firsthand about News, Events, and Developments of the study programs at the Physics Department of the University of Stuttgart.
The Mailing List serves as an information vessel for important news only and is edited by the Course Director. You can unsubscribe from the mailing list at any time.
Follow this link to subscribe:
Mailinglist "Lehramt Physik"
Specialized mailing list of the Teacher Education Study Programs in Physics.
You can subscribe here:
There are manifold options to go abroad and multiple exchange programs offered by the DAAD, the University of Stuttgart and the state of Baden-Württemberg.
You can find detailed information on all study aborad options on the websites of the Office of International Affairs of the University of Stuttgart.
Advisors at the International Center:
University of Stuttgart
International Office
Pfaffenwaldring 60 (IZ)
70569 Stuttgart
phone.: +49 711 685-68599
Fax: +49 711 685-68600
Advisor at the Department of Physics:
Prof. Dr. Hans Peter Büchler
Institute of Theoretical Physics III
Pfaffenwaldring 57 (NWZ II)
70550 Stuttgart
Telefon: +49 711 685-64975
Raum: 5.353
Scholarships and foundations offer a good possibility for at least partial financing of your studies. To obtain funding, you do not always need a transcript with top grades. There are scholarships and foundations that will also support you for your competencies, such as in journalism, or in another area, such as having extensive international experience.
Please follow this link to obtain detailed information:
The Studierendenwerk Stuttgart und Stups e. V. offer childcare services in Stuttgart, Esslingen, and Ludwigsburg for children of students between the ages of 6 months and 3 years.
The following regulations are intended to provide students with certainty in dealing with IT/AI-based writing tools.
Guidelines regarding the use of IT/AI-based writing and programming tools in student work
Program management