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The Advanced Physical Laboratory is a compulsory module with 12 credit points within the international M.Sc. program PHYSICS. It is scheduled for the 1. and 2. semester.
Demanding experiments will be performed in order to learn physical measuring methods and the handling of modern measurement equipment. Students will carry out small but complete scientific projects in a limited amount of time (theory, experiment, written report, and final colloquium).
Immatriculated for international M.Sc. program PHYSICS.
Centrally organized, in university-owned laboratory rooms.
Approximately 12 to 15 experiments, ranging over one or two days, distributed over two semesters.
In two-person groups.
By doctoral candidates and postdocs. Generally one person is responsible for a maximum of two experiments.
Selected tuesdays during the term, all-day, no parallel event.
You will get one certificate for the whole laboratory.
You must also register for the examination in C@MPUS (5659100000), otherwise no credits can be assigned after the completion of the lab course. It is sufficient to register there only once even though the lab course runs over two semesters.

Philipp Rosenzweig
Dr.Leiter Physikalisches Fortgeschrittenenpraktikum
Alexander Dollhopf
Technischer Assistent