Master Thesis

Final one-year research project of the Master of Science program.

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The Master Thesis is a one-year research project that consists of two parts, each part of the research project lasts six (6) months. The first part equals 30 ECTS credits and consists of the modules “Scientific Specialization” and “Practical Skills and Project Planning” (15 ECTS each) and the second part “Master Thesis and Presentation” (30 ECTS).

How to register:

  • Please refer to §22 of the Study Regulations. [de]
    Note: You need the regulations for "Physik – Master of Science" and not "PHYSICS – Master of Science". You have to scroll down a bit.
  • Once you have passed all required exams and obtained at least 54 ECTS credits, fill out the thesis registration form
  • The Examination Office (Prüfungsamt) must confirm that you have fulfilled the requirements and sign the form.
  • Your 1st supervisor has to define your thesis topic and the starting date of your one-year research project with you and sign the form.
  • Bring the registration to the “Studienbüro Physik”, the Examination Board will evaluate your application and assign you a 2nd Supervisor.
  • The “Studienbüro Physik” issues an official letter to inform the student and both supervisors of the topic, starting date and deadline of the Master Thesis. (The original registration remains at the Examination Office – the student receives a copy.)

Grading Criteria

  • Extend of Task Fulfillment
  • Independence of Research and Ideas
  • Experimental/Mathematical Skills
  • Understanding of Physics
  • The Form and Content of the Written Results
  • The Presentation
  • Benotung der beiden Prüferinnen / Prüfer

Leaflet for Supervisors and Students

The “Studienbüro Physik” conducts registration and Administration of the One-Year Research Project.

Guidelines Leaflet Master Theses [de]

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