The buddies by the International Center will assist you with your arrival and first steps in Stuttgart.
A six-week Intensive German Course offered by the International Center provides you with the basic German skills to navigate your everyday life as well as intercultural training to ensure successful adjustment to your new surroundings.
Studies, Cross Cultural Mentoring, Research and so much more to be discovered!
Meet the PHYSICS students
International Master Of Science
PHYSICS is a two-year research oriented Master of Science program, divided into four semesters. Students attend lectures, seminars and a laboratory course during the first two semesters and concentrate on their thesis research during the 3rd and 4th semester.
The Department of Physics at the University of Stuttgart and the Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research are well known for their outstanding scientific research on solid state physics, atom and quantum optics, photonics, soft matter physics, strongly correlated many-body systems, physical modelling, and numerical simulation. The elective module offers our students the chance to focus on either a specialization - or an individual combination of these experimental, computational, or theoretical topics ensuring an excellent education.
PHYSICS students join the institutes and become fully integrated in the work of one of the many the research groups at the Physics Department and the Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research for their one-year master thesis projects.
PHYSICS Online Office hours
e-mail your course director at and schedule a meeting!

Patric Rommel
Dr. rer. nat.Course Director PHYSICS