Admission Requirements
The Bachelor's degree has to be equivalent to a B.Sc. degree in Physics obtained at a German university with an above-average grade. A B.Sc. programme in Physics in Germany i.a. includes lectures on: Experimental Physics (Mechanics, Thermodynamics, Electrodynamics, Optics, Physics of Atoms and Nuclei, Introduction into Molecular and Solid State Physics); Theoretical Physics (Classical Mechanics, Electrodynamics, Quantum Mechanics, Statistical Mechanics); Mathematics and 4 semesters of Physics Laboratory. If an applicant has a B.Sc. degree in another field than Physics, the admission committee has to check whether the degree is comparable. In case the B.Sc. degree of an applicant does not completely satisfy the above requirements, the admission committee might ask for an admission examination.
If you did not finalize your B.Sc. studies at the date of the application deadline, please provide all transcripts from the courses you finished so far. In case of admission you will receive a conditional admission letter which states that you still have to provide your B.Sc. certificate at latest when you enrol here in Stuttgart. Most of the German embassies or consulates will also require that you must have graduated from your B.Sc. programme once you apply for a student visa.
The purpose of this admission requirement is a proof of sufficient knowledge of English language. If your score is below the admission requirement, you would face severe problems in our programme. Attending the lectures, reading books, calculating problems in the exercise lessons, writing reports in the lab course or writing up the Master's thesis and passing the oral examinations requires good skills in listening, reading, writing and speaking. This is why it is mandatory to prove sufficient English language skills by an official English test (usually TOEFL or IELTS). In case you are fulfilling all admission requirements but the English language test (either because your score was to low or you did not pass the test yet), you still can apply for the programme. In this case, we need an official proof of your seat reservation for the English test together with your application package. Please be aware, that an admission letter will not be issued, before we received the official English test score report. Your admission will be cancelled if you fail to reach the required score or if we receive your score report too late
We do not generally accept letters or other certificates from universities which e. g. confirm that the language of instruction in the bachelor course was English. Up to our experience, the term language of instruction is used quite differently. Sometimes it just means that English textbooks were used, which obviously is not a proof of sufficient knowledge of English language of an applicant.
No, you have to apply on the C@mpus platform of the University of Stuttgart.
All about the C@mpus platform and how to use it for your application can be found here: Online application FAQs & answers
Step by step explanations for enrollment can be found here: Enrollment
You will be enrolled after your enrollment request reached the Admissions Office in time and your tuition fees were paid. A processing period of approximately 14 days from receiving mail to actual enrollment is to be expected. Please download your Confirmation of Enrollment with your student account from C@MPUS. We will mail your ecus student ID chipcard to you.
International students please send their enrollment request to:
Universität Stuttgart
Studiensekretariat für Ausländer/innen und EU-Bürger/innen
Haus der Studierenden
Pfaffenwaldring 5c
70569 Stuttgart
The enrollment request can also be delivered personally to the mailbox in the House of Students (Pfaffenwaldring 5c, Campus Vaihingen) during the house´s opening hours (Mon-Thurs.: 8 am - 5 pm and Fri: 8 am - 3:30 pm).
Study Regulations
Study and Examination Regulations in German are legally binding documents in the Federal Republic of Germany. The English translations solely serve informational purposes.
For all miscellaneous inquiries, please contact Course Director Patric Rommel and check out our Contacts page!

Patric Rommel
Dr. rer. nat.Course Director PHYSICS