Joint Fellowship Program

Funding, Mentorship and the Perspective of a PhD in Stuttgart

The University of Stuttgart and the International Max Planck Research School for Condensed Matter Science offer funding, mentorship and the perspective of a PhD to our most promising applicants.

PI of the Month - Lecture on Fridays - Monthly
PI of the Month - Lecture on Fridays - Monthly


Who can apply?

Outstanding applicants and current students are invited to apply for the joint fellowship program of the International M.Sc. Program PHYSICS of the University of Stuttgart and the IMPRS-CMS (International Max-Planck Research School for Condensed Matter Science). Undergraduates with excellent results during their B.Sc. studies as well as PHYSICS students with excellent results in the 1st and 2nd semester are eligible for the scholarship.

What is the goal?

This fellowship is intended especially for students who are interested in continuing their studies towards a PhD in Stuttgart. Fellowship recipients have the opportunity to be integrated in one of the research groups located in the Physics Department of the University of Stuttgart or at one of the two Max-Planck-Institutes for Solid State Research from the very beginning of their studies

What does the Fellowship entail?

All living expenses like housing, food, etc. can be covered by the scholarship. Participation at the Summer Schools of the IMPRS CMS are included. All recicipents can choose a mentor from the beginning of their studies.

Who makes the decision?

Two committees will decide independently about your admission to the International M.Sc. Program PHYSICS and about your application for the fellowship. The fellowship will only be assigned to applicants that are admitted to the International M.Sc. Program PHYSICS of the University. If you apply for the fellowship, you agree that the PHYSICS Program can exchange data with the IMPRS-CMS if necessary.

Meet the PHYSICS students

International Max Planck Research School for Condensed Matter Science


Dr. Eva Benckiser

Heisenbergstr. 1, 70569 Stuttgart

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