Please note: Lectures in the teacher education degree programs are only offered in German.
This calls for a sound command of the basic laws of physics and a grasp of the underlying principles of physics. Students who pass the State Examination for Teachers are qualified to teach at a secondary school.
Physics can be chosen as a major or minor field of study and as a scientific major or minor subject in an arts examination.
The study program comprises two levels: a Bachelor’s (B.A.) and a Master’s degree (M.Ed.)
The B.Sc. in Physics can be continued with a M.Ed. degree in Physics and Mathematics, enabling a school internship.
Polyvalent degrees are supported within the scope of the BMBF-funded project “Qualitätspakt Lehre - Individualität und Kooperation im Stuttgarter Studium” (Quality Pact Teaching - Individuality and Cooperation in Degree Programs in Stuttgart - QuaLiKiS [de]). For more information, please visit teacher education and QuaLiKiS [de].
Program management

Thea Schiebel
Dr.Studiengangsmanagerin Lehramt Physik