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Listen der Jahrgänge
Nummer | Autor(en) | Titel |
2019-005 | Knarr, Norbert Stroppel, Markus |
Embeddings and ambient automorphisms of the Pappus configuration |
2019-004 | Fischer, Simon | Some New Bounds on the Entropy Numbers of Diagonal Operators |
2019-003 | Braun, Alina Kohler, Michael Walk, Harro |
On the rate of convergence of a neural network regression estimate learned by gradient descent |
2019-002 | Györfi, László Henze, Norbert Walk, Harro |
The limit distribution of maximum probability nearest neighbor ball |
2019-001 | Gaspoz, Fernando D. Heine, Claus-Justus Siebert, Kunibert G. |
An Alternative Proof of the H1-Stability of the L2-Projection on Graded Meshes |
Nummer | Autor(en) | Titel |
2018-003 | Kollross, Andreas | Octonions, triality, the exceptional Lie algebra F4, and polar actions on the Cayley hyperbolic plane |
2018-002 | Díaz Ramos, José Carlos Domínguez Vázquez, Miguel Kollross, Andreas |
On homogeneous manifolds whose isotropy actions are polar |
2018-001 | Grundhöfer, Theo Stroppel, Markus Van Maldeghem, Hendrik |
Embeddings of hermitian unitals into pappian projective planes |
Nummer | Autor(en) | Titel |
2017-011 | Hansmann, Matthias Kohler, Michael Walk, Harro |
On the strong universal consistency of local averaging regression estimates |
2017-010 | Devroye, Luc Györfi, László Lugosi, Gábor Walk, Harro |
A nearest neighbor estimate of a regression functional |
2017-009 | Steinke, Günter F. Stroppel, Markus |
On elation Laguerre planes with a two-transitive orbit on the set of generators |
2017-008 | Steinke, Günter F. Stroppel, Markus |
Laguerre planes and shift planes |
2017-007 | Blunck, Andrea Knarr, Norbert Stroppel, Bernhild Stroppel, Markus |
Transitive groups of similitudes generated by octonions |
2017-006 | Blunck, Andrea Knarr, Norbert Stroppel, Bernhild Stroppel, Markus |
Clifford parallelisms defined by octonions |
2017-005 | Knarr, Norbert Stroppel, Markus |
Subforms of Norm Forms of Octonion Fields |
2017-004 | Apprich, Christian Dietrich, Anne Höllig, Klaus Nava-Yazdani, Esfandiar |
Cubic Spline Approximation of a Circle with Maximal Smoothness and Accuracy |
2017-003 | Fischer, Simon Steinwart, Ingo |
Sobolev Norm Learning Rates for Regularized Least-Squares Algorithm |
2017-002 | Farooq, Muhammad Steinwart, Ingo |
Learning Rates for Kernel-Based Expectile Regression |
2017-001 | Bauer, Benedikt Devroye, Luc Kohler, Michael Krzyzak, Adam Walk, Harro |
Nonparametric Estimation of a Function From Noiseless Observations at Random Points |
Nummer | Autor(en) | Titel |
2016-006 | Devroye, Luc Györfi, László Lugosi, Gábor Walk, Harro |
On the measure of Voronoi cells |
2016-005 | Kohls, Kristina Kreuzer, Christian Rösch, Arnd Siebert, Kunibert G. |
Convergence of Adaptive Finite Elements for Optimal Control Problems with Control Constraints |
2016-004 | Blaschzyk, Ingrid Steinwart, Ingo |
Improved Classification Rates under Refined Margin Conditions |
2016-003 | Feistauer, Miloslav Roskovec, Filipp Sändig, Anna-Margarete |
Discontinuous Galerkin Method for an Elliptic Problem with Nonlinear Newton Boundary Conditions in a Polygon |
2016-002 | Steinwart, Ingo | A Short Note on the Comparison of Interpolation Widths, Entropy Numbers, and Kolmogorov Widths |
2016-001 | Köster, Iris | Sylow Numbers and Integral Group Rings |
Nummer | Autor(en) | Titel |
2015-018 | Neusser, Jochen Schleper, Veronika |
Numerical schemes for the coupling of compressible and incompressible fluids in several space dimensions |
2015-017 | Grundhöfer, Theo Stroppel, Markus Van Maldeghem, Hendrik |
A non-classical unital of order four with many translations |
2015-016 | Hang, Hanyuan Steinwart, Ingo |
A Bernstein-type Inequality for Some Mixing Processes and Dynamical Systems with an Application to Learning |
2015-015 | Steinwart, Ingo | Representation of Quasi-Monotone Functionals by Families of Separating Hyperplanes |
2015-014 | Farooq, Muhammad Steinwart, Ingo |
An SVM-like Approach for Expectile Regression |
2015-013 | Nava-Yazdani, Esfandiar | Splines and geometric mean for data in geodesic spaces |
2015-012 | Kimmerle, Wolfgang Köster, Iris |
Sylow Numbers from Character Tables and Group Rings |
2015-011 | Györfi, László Walk, Harro |
On the asymptotic normality of an estimate of a regression functional |
2015-010 | Gorodski, Claudio Kollross, Andreas |
Some remarks on polar actions |
2015-009 | Apprich, Christian Höllig, Klaus Hörner, Jörg Reif, Ulrich |
Collocation with WEB-Splines |
2015-008 | Kabil, Bugra Rodrigues, Miguel |
Spectral Validation of the Whitham Equations for Periodic Waves of Lattice Dynamical Systems |
2015-007 | Kollross, Andreas | Hyperpolar actions on reducible symmetric spaces |
2015-006 | Schmid, Jochen Griesemer, Marcel |
Well-posedness of Non-autonomous Linear Evolution Equations in Uniformly Convex Spaces |
2015-005 | Hinrichs, Aicke Markhasin, Lev Oettershagen, Jens Ullrich, Tino |
Optimal quasi-Monte Carlo rules on higher order digital nets for the numerical integration of multivariate periodic functions |
2015-004 | Kutter, Michael Rohde, Christian Sändig, Anna-Margarete |
Well-Posedness of a Two Scale Model for Liquid Phase Epitaxy with Elasticity |
2015-003 | Rossi, Elena Schleper, Veronika |
Convergence of a numerical scheme for a mixed hyperbolic-parabolic system in two space dimensions |
2015-002 | Döring, Maik Györfi, László Walk, Harro |
Exact rate of convergence of kernel-based classification rule |
2015-001 | Kohler, Michael Müller, Florian Walk, Harro |
Estimation of a regression function corresponding to latent variables |
Nummer | Autor(en) | Titel |
2014-021 | Neusser, Jochen Rohde, Christian Schleper, Veronika |
Relaxed Navier-Stokes-Korteweg Equations for Compressible Two-Phase Flow with Phase Transition |
2014-020 | Kabil, Bugra Rohde, Christian |
Persistence of undercompressive phase boundaries for isothermal Euler equations including configurational forces and surface tension |
2014-019 | Bilyk, Dmitriy Markhasin, Lev |
BMO and exponential Orlicz space estimates of the discrepancy function in arbitrary dimension |
2014-018 | Schmid, Jochen | Well-posedness of non-autonomous linear evolution equations for generators whose commutators are scalar |
2014-017 | Margolis, Leo | A Sylow theorem for the integral group ring{ of PSL(2,q) |
2014-016 | Rybak, Iryna Magiera, Jim Helmig, Rainer Rohde, Christian |
Multirate time integration for coupled saturated/unsaturated porous medium and free flow systems |
2014-015 | Gaspoz, Fernando D. Heine, Claus-Justus Siebert, Kunibert G. |
Optimal Grading of the Newest Vertex Bisection and H1-Stability of the L2-Projection |
2014-014 | Kohler, Michael Krzyzak, Adam Walk, Harro |
Nonparametric recursive quantile estimation |
2014-013 | Kohler, Michael Krzyzak, Adam Tent, Reinhard Walk, Harro |
Nonparametric quantile estimation using importance sampling |
2014-012 | Györfi, László Ottucsák, György Walk, Harro |
The growth optimal investment strategy is secure, too |
2014-011 | Györfi, László Walk, Harro |
Strongly consistent detection for nonparametric hypotheses |
2014-010 | Köster, Iris | Finite Groups with Sylow numbers {q^x,a,b} |
2014-009 | Kahnert, Dietmar | Hausdorff Dimension of Rings |
2014-008 | Steinwart, Ingo | Measuring the Capacity of Sets of Functions in the Analysis of ERM |
2014-007 | Steinwart, Ingo | Convergence Types and Rates in Generic Karhunen-Loeve Expansions with Applications to Sample Path Properties |
2014-006 | Steinwart, Ingo Pasin, Chloe Williamson, Robert Zhang, Siju |
Elicitation and Identification of Properties |
2014-005 | Schmid, Jochen Griesemer, Marcel |
Kato's Theorem on the Integration of Non-Autonomous Linear Evolution Equations |
2014-004 | Markhasin, Lev | L2- and SrpqB-discrepancy of order 2 digital nets |
2014-003 | Markhasin, Lev | Discrepancy and integration in function spaces with dominating mixed smoothness |
2014-002 | Eberts, Mona Steinwart, Ingo |
Optimal Learning Rates for Localized SVMs |
2014-001 | Giesselmann, Jan | A relative entropy approach to convergence of a low order approximation to a nonlinear elasticity model with viscosity and capillarity |
Nummer | Autor(en) | Titel |
2013-016 | Steinwart, Ingo | Fully Adaptive Density-Based Clustering |
2013-015 | Steinwart, Ingo | Some Remarks on the Statistical Analysis of SVMs and Related Methods |
2013-014 | Rohde, Christian Zeiler, Christoph |
A Relaxation Riemann Solver for Compressible Two-Phase Flow with Phase Transition and Surface Tension |
2013-013 | Moroianu, Andrei Semmelmann, Uwe |
Generalized Killling Spinors on Einstein Manifolds |
2013-012 | Moroianu, Andrei Semmelmann, Uwe |
Generalized Killing Spinors on Spheres |
2013-011 | Kohls, Kristina Rösch, Arnd Siebert, Kunibert G. |
Convergence of Adaptive Finite Elements for Control Constrained Optimal Control Problems |
2013-010 | Corli, Andrea Rohde, Christian Schleper, Veronika |
Parabolic Approximations of Diffusive-Dispersive Equations |
2013-009 | Nava-Yazdani, Esfandiar Polthier, Konrad |
De Casteljau's Algorithm on Manifolds |
2013-008 | Bächle, Andreas Margolis, Leo |
Rational conjugacy of torsion units in integral group rings of non-solvable groups |
2013-007 | Knarr, Norbert Stroppel, Markus |
Heisenberg groups over composition algebras |
2013-006 | Knarr, Norbert Stroppel, Markus |
Heisenberg groups, semifields, and translation planes |
2013-005 | Eck, Christof Kutter, Michael Sändig, Anna-Margarete Rohde, Christian |
A Two Scale Model for Liquid Phase Epitaxy with Elasticity: An Iterative Procedure |
2013-004 | Griesemer, Marcel Wellig, David |
The Strong-Coupling Polaron in Electromagnetic Fields |
2013-003 | Kabil, Bugra Rohde, Christian |
The Influence of Surface Tension and Configurational Forces on the Stability of Liquid-Vapor Interfaces |
2013-002 | Devroye, Luc Ferrario, Paola Györfi, László Walk, Harro |
Strong universal consistent estimate of the minimum mean squared error |
2013-001 | Kohls, Kristina Rösch, Arnd Siebert, Kunibert G. |
A Posteriori Error Analysis of Optimal Control Problems with Control Constraints |
Nummer | Autor(en) | Titel |
2012-018 | Kimmerle, Wolfgang Konovalov, Alexander |
On the Prime Graph of the Unit Group of Integral Group Rings of Finite Groups II |
2012-017 | Stroppel, Bernhild Stroppel, Markus |
Desargues, Doily, Dualities, and Exceptional Isomorphisms |
2012-016 | Moroianu, Andrei Pilca, Mihaela Semmelmann, Uwe |
Homogeneous almost quaternion-Hermitian manifolds |
2012-015 | Steinke, Günter F. Stroppel, Markus |
Simple groups acting two-transitively on the set of generators of a finite elation Laguerre plane |
2012-014 | Steinke, Günter F. Stroppel, Markus |
Finite elation Laguerre planes admitting a two-transitive group on their set of generators |
2012-013 | Díaz Ramos, José Carlos Domínguez Vázquez, Miguel Kollross, Andreas |
Polar actions on complex hyperbolic spaces |
2012-012 | Moroianu, Andrei Semmelmann, Uwe |
Weakly complex homogeneous spaces |
2012-011 | Moroianu, Andrei Semmelmann, Uwe |
Invariant four-forms and symmetric pairs |
2012-010 | Hamilton, Mark | The closure of the symplectic cone of elliptic surfaces |
2012-009 | Hamilton, Mark | Iterated fibre sums of algebraic Lefschetz fibrations |
2012-008 | Hamilton, Mark | The minimal genus problem for elliptic surfaces |
2012-007 | Ferrario, Paola | Partitioning estimation of local variance based on nearest neighbors under censoring |
2012-006 | Stroppel, Markus | Buttons, Holes and Loops of String: Lacing the Doily |
2012-005 | Hantsch, Fabian | Existence of Minimizers in Restricted Hartree-Fock Theory |
2012-004 | Grundhöfer, Theo Stroppel, Markus Van Maldeghem, Hendrik |
Unitals admitting all translations |
2012-003 | Hamilton, Mark | Representing homology classes by symplectic surfaces |
2012-002 | Hamilton, Mark | On certain exotic 4-manifolds of Akhmedov and Park |
2012-001 | Jentsch, Tillmann | Parallel submanifolds of the real 2-Grassmannian |
Nummer | Autor(en) | Titel |
2011-028 | Spreer, Jonathan | Combinatorial 3-manifolds with cyclic automorphism group |
2011-027 | Griesemer, Marcel Hantsch, Fabian Wellig, David |
On the Magnetic Pekar Functional and the Existence of Bipolarons |
2011-025 | Felber, Tina Jones, Daniel Kohler, Michael Walk, Harro |
Weakly universally consistent static forecasting of stationary and ergodic time series via local averaging and least squares estimates |
2011-024 | Jones, Daniel Kohler, Michael Walk, Harro |
Weakly universally consistent forecasting of stationary and ergodic time series |
2011-023 | Györfi, László Walk, Harro |
Strongly consistent nonparametric tests of conditional independence |
2011-022 | Ferrario, Paola Walk, Harro |
Nonparametric partitioning estimation of residual and local variance based on first and second nearest neighbors |
2011-021 | Eberts, Mona Steinwart, Ingo |
Optimal regression rates for SVMs using Gaussian kernels |
2011-020 | Frank, Rupert L. Geisinger, Leander |
Refined semiclassical asymptotics for fractional powers of the Laplace operator |
2011-019 | Frank, Rupert L. Geisinger, Leander |
Two-term spectral asymptotics for the Dirichlet Laplacian on a bounded domain |
2011-018 | Hänel, Andre Schulz, Christiane Wirth, Jens |
Embedded eigenvalues for the elastic strip with cracks |
2011-017 | Wirth, Jens | Thermo-elasticity for anisotropic media in higher dimensions |
2011-016 | Höllig, Klaus Hörner, Jörg |
Programming Multigrid Methods with B-Splines |
2011-015 | Ferrario, Paola | Nonparametric Local Averaging Estimation of the Local Variance Function |
2011-014 | Müller, Simon Dippon, Jürgen |
k-NN Kernel Estimate for Nonparametric Functional Regression in Time Series Analysis |
2011-013 | Knarr, Norbert Stroppel, Markus |
Unitals over Composition Algebras |
2011-012 | Knarr, Norbert Stroppel, Markus |
Baer involutions and polarities in Moufang planes of characteristic two |
2011-011 | Knarr, Norbert Stroppel, Markus |
Polarities and planar collineations of Moufang planes |
2011-010 | Jentsch, Tillmann Moroianu, Andrei Semmelmann, Uwe |
Extrinsic hyperspheres in manifolds with special holonomy |
2011-009 | Wirth, Jens | Asymptotic Behaviour of Solutions to Hyperbolic Partial Differential Equations |
2011-008 | Stroppel, Markus | Orthogonal Polar Spaces and Unitals |
2011-007 | Nagl, Matthias | Charakterisierung der Symmetrischen Gruppen durch ihre komplexe Gruppenalgebra |
2011-006 | Solanes, Gil Teufel, Eberhard |
Horo-tightness and total (absolute) curvatures in hyperbolic spaces |
2011-005 | Ginoux, Nicolas Semmelmann, Uwe |
Imaginary Kählerian Killing spinors I |
2011-004 | Scherer, Carsten Köse, Emre |
Control Synthesis using Dynamic D-Scales: Part II – Gain-Scheduled Control |
2011-003 | Scherer, Carsten Köse, Emre |
Control Synthesis using Dynamic D-Scales: Part I – Robust Control |
2011-002 | Alexandrov, Bogdan Semmelmann, Uwe |
Deformations of nearly parallel G2-structures |
2011-001 | Geisinger, Leander Weidl, Timo |
Sharp spectral estimates in domains of infinite volume |
Nummer | Autor(en) | Titel |
2010-019 | Griesemer, Marcel Hantsch, Fabian |
Unique Solutions to Hartree-Fock Equations for Closed Shell Atom |
2010-018 | Kimmerle, Wolfgang Konovalov, Alexander |
On integral-like units of modular group rings |
2010-017 | Gauduchon, Paul Moroianu, Andrei Semmelmann, Uwe |
Almost complex structures on quaternion-Kähler manifolds and inner symmetric spaces |
2010-016 | Moroianu, Andrei Semmelmann, Uwe |
Clifford structures on Riemannian manifolds |
2010-015 | Grafarend, Erik W. Kühnel, Wolfgang |
A minimal atlas for the rotation group SO(3) |
2010-014 | Weidl, Timo | Semiclassical Spectral Bounds and Beyond |
2010-013 | Stroppel, Markus | Early explicit examples of non-desarguesian plane geometries |
2010-012 | Effenberger, Felix | Stacked polytopes and tight triangulations of manifolds |
2010-011 | Györfi, László Walk, Harro |
Empirical portfolio selection strategies with proportional transaction costs |
2010-010 | Kohler, Michael Krzyzak, Adam Walk, Harro |
Estimation of the essential supremum of a regression function |
2010-009 | Geisinger, Leander Laptev, Ari Weidl, Timo |
Geometrical Versions of improved Berezin-Li-Yau Inequalities |
2010-008 | Poppitz, Steffen Stroppel, Markus |
Polarities of Schellhammer Planes |
2010-007 | Grundhöfer, Theo Krinn, Boris Stroppel, Markus |
Non-Existence of Isomorphisms Between Certain Unitals |
2010-006 | Höllig, Klaus Hörner, Jörg Hoffacker, Axel |
Finite Element Analysis with B-Splines: Weighted and Isogeometric Methods |
2010-005 | Kaltenbacher, Barbara Walk, Harro |
On convergence of local averaging regression function estimates for the regularization of inverse problems |
2010-004 | Kühnel, Wolfgang Solanes, Gil |
Tight surfaces with boundary |
2010-003 | Kohler, Michael Walk, Harro |
On optimal exercising of American options in discrete time for stationary and ergodic data |
2010-002 | Gulde, Michael Stroppel, Markus |
Stabilizers of Subspaces under Similitudes of the Klein Quadric, and Automorphisms of Heisenberg Algebras |
2010-001 | Leitner, Felipe | Examples of almost Einstein structures on products and in cohomogeneity one |
Nummer | Autor(en) | Titel |
2009-008 | Griesemer, Marcel Zenk, Heribert |
On the Atomic Photoeffect in Non-relativistic QED |
2009-007 | Griesemer, Marcel Moeller, Jacob Schach |
Bounds on the Minimal Energy of Translation Invariant N-Polaron Systems |
2009-006 | Demirel, Semra Harrell II, Evans M. |
On semiclassical and universalinequalities for eigenvalues of quantum graphs |
2009-005 | Bächle, Andreas Kimmerle, Wolfgang |
On Torsion Subgroups in Integral Group Rings of Finite Groups |
2009-004 | Geisinger, Leander Weidl, Timo |
Universal Bounds for Traces of the Dirichlet Laplace Operator |
2009-003 | Walk, Harro | Strong Laws of Large Numbers and Nonparametric Estimation |
2009-002 | Leitner, Felipe | The collapsing sphere product of Poincare-Einstein Spaces |
2009-001 | Brehm, Ulrich Kühnel, Wolfgang |
Lattice triangulations of E^3 and of the 3-torus |
Nummer | Autor(en) | Titel |
2008-006 | Kohler, Michael Krzyzak, Adam Walk, Harro |
Upper bounds for Bermudan options on Markovian data using nonparametric regression and a reduced number of nested Monte Carlo steps |
2008-005 | Kaltenbacher, Barbara Schöpfer, Frank Schuster, Thomas |
Iterative methods for nonlinear ill-posed problems in Banach spaces: convergence and applications to parameter identification problems |
2008-004 | Leitner, Felipe | Conformally closed Poincare-Einstein metrics with intersecting scale singularities |
2008-003 | Effenberger, Felix Kühnel, Wolfgang |
Hamiltonian submanifolds of regular polytopes |
2008-002 | Hertweck, Martin Höfert, Christian Kimmerle, Wolfgang |
Finite groups of units and their composition factors in the integral group rings of the groups PSL(2,q) |
2008-001 | Kovarik, Hynek Vugalter, Semjon Weidl, Timo |
Two dimensional Berezin-Li-Yau inequalities with a correction term |
Nummer | Autor(en) | Titel |
2007-006 | Weidl, Timo | Improved Berezin-Li-Yau inequalities with a remainder term |
2007-005 | Frank, Rupert L. Loss, Michael Weidl, Timo |
Polya's conjecture in the presence of a constant magnetic field |
2007-004 | Ekholm, Tomas Frank, Rupert L. Kovarik, Hynek |
Eigenvalue estimates for Schrödinger operators on metric trees |
2007-003 | Lesky, Peter Racke, Reinhard |
Elastic and electro-magnetic waves in infinite waveguides |
2007-002 | Teufel, Eberhard | Spherical transforms and Radon transforms in Moebius geometry |
2007-001 | Meister, Alexander | Deconvolution from Fourier-oscillating error densities under decay and smoothness restrictions |
Nummer | Autor(en) | Titel |
2006-014 | Birman, Mikhail Sh. Suslina, Tatyana A. |
Homogenization with corrector for periodic differential operators. Approximation of solutions in the Sobolev class |
2006-013 | Brehm, Ulrich Kühnel, Wolfgang |
Equivelar maps on the torus |
2006-012 | Kovarik, Hynek Sacchetti, Andrea |
Resonances in twisted waveguides |
2006-011 | Kovarik, Hynek Vugalter, Semjon Weidl, Timo |
Spectral estimates for two-dimensional Schrödinger operators with applications to quantum layers |
2006-010 | Teufel, Eberhard | A contribution to geometric inequalities in Euclidean space forms |
2006-009 | Förster, Clemens | Trapped modes for an elastic plate with a perturbation of Young's modulus |
2006-008 | Meister, Alexander | Optimal convergence rates for density estimation from grouped data |
2006-007 | Walk, Harro | Almost sure Cesaro and Euler summability of sequences of dependent random variables |
2006-006 | Dippon, Jürgen Winter, Stefan |
Smoothing spline regression estimates for randomly right censored data |
2006-005 | Walk, Harro | A universal strong law of large numbers for conditional expectations via nearest neighbors |
2006-004 | Banchoff, Thomas F. Kühnel, Wolfgang |
Tight polyhedral models of isoparametric families, and PL-taut submanifolds |
2006-003 | Dippon, Jürgen Schiemert, Daniel |
Option Pricing in a Black-Scholes Market with Memory |
2006-002 | Lesky, Peter A. | Orthogonale Polynomlösungen von Differenzengleichungen vierter Ordnung |
2006-001 | Dippon, Jürgen Schiemert, Daniel |
Stochastic differential equations driven by Gaussian processes with dependent increments |
Nummer | Autor(en) | Titel |
2005-008 | Förster, Clemens Weidl, Timo |
Trapped modes for an elastic strip with perturbation of the material properties |
2005-007 | Meister, Alexander | Deconvolving compactly supported densities |
2005-006 | Zelik, Sergey | Spatially nondecaying solutions of 2D Navier-Stokes equation in a strip |
2005-005 | Borisov, Denis Ekholm, Tomas Kovarik, Hynek |
Spectrum of the Magnetic Schrödinger Operator in a Waveguide with Combined Boundary Conditions |
2005-004 | Röhrl, Norbert | A least squares functional for solving inverse sturm-liouville problems |
2005-003 | Höfert, Christian Kimmerle, Wolfgang |
On torsion units of integral group rings of groups of small order |
2005-002 | Kimmerle, Wolfgang Luca, Florian Raggi-Cardenas, Alberto Gerardo |
Irreducible Components of the Burnside Ring |
2005-001 | Mielke, Alexander Schmid, Florian |
Vortex pinning in super-conductivity as a rate-independent model |
Nummer | Autor(en) | Titel |
2004-017 | Förster, Clemens Östensson, Jörgen |
Lieb-Thirring Inequalities for Higher Order Differential Operators |
2004-016 | Leitner, Felipe | On pseudo-Hermitian Einstein spaces |
2004-015 | Kühnel, Wolfgang Steller, Michael |
On closed Weingarten surfaces |
2004-014 | Kühnel, Wolfgang | Tight embeddings of simply connected 4-manifolds |
2004-013 | Dippon, Jürgen Walk, Harro |
Simplified Analytical Proof of Blackwell's Renewal Theorem |
2004-012 | Pöschel, Jürgen | Hill's potentials in weighted Sobolev spaces and their spectral gaps |
2004-011 | Afendikov, Andre Mielke, Alexander |
Dynamical properties of spatially non-decaying 2D Navier-Stokes flows with Kolmogorov forcing in an infinite strip |
2004-010 | Kühnel, Wolfgang Dillen, Franki |
Total curvature of complete submanifolds of Euclidean space |
2004-009 | Ekholm, Tomas Kovarik, Hynek |
Stability of the magnetic Schrödinger operator in a waveguide |
2004-008 | Exner, Pavel Linde, Helmut Weidl, Timo |
Lieb-Thirring inequalities for geometrically induced bound states |
2004-007 | Mielke, Alexander Zelik, Sergey |
Infinite-dimensional hyperbolic sets and spatio-temporal chaos in reaction-diffusion systems in R^n |
2004-006 | Dippon, Jürgen Walk, Harro |
An elementary analytical proof of Blackwell's renewal theorem |
2004-005 | Efendiev, Messoud A. Wendland, Wolfgang L. |
On the degree of quasiruled Fredholm maps and nonlinear Riemann-Hilbert problems |
2004-004 | Meister, Alexander | Deconvolution density estimation with a testing procedure for the error distribution |
2004-003 | Meister, Alexander | On the effect of misspecifying the error density in a deconvolution problem |
2004-002 | Hesse, Christian H. Meister, Alexander |
Optimal iterative density deconvolution: Upper and lower bounds |
2004-001 | Walk, Harro | Strong law of large number by elementary Tauberian arguments |

Jürgen Dippon
Dr. rer. nat. habil.Privatdozent, Prüfungsausschuss Mathematik Lehramt