Preprints des Fachbereichs Mathematik

Fachbereich Mathematik

Auswahl an Preprints am Fachbereich der letzten Jahre

Datum Verfasser Titel

Y. Cheng, B. Stamm

Approximations of the Iterative Stockholder Analysis scheme using exponential basis functions


Numerical Optimization of Eigenvalues of the magnetic Dirichlet Laplacian with constant magnetic field

P. Heid, P. Houston, B. Stamm, Th.P. Wihler

Gradient Flow Finite Element Discretisations with Energy-Based hp-Adaptivity for the Gross-Pitaevskii Equation with Angular Momentum Rotation

S. J. Hall,
 P.  Schwahn,
U. Semmelmann 

Sandwich operators and Einstein deformations of compact symmetric spaces related to Jordan algebras

M. Stroppel

A unital in the generalized hexagon of order two, and an exceptional isomorphism between finite groups of Lie type

U. Semmelmann,
K. Kroencke

On stability and scalar curvature rigidity of quaternion-Kähler manifolds

Y. Cheng

Relativistic and electron-correlation effects in static dipole polarizabilities for group 12 elements

A.  Moroianu,
U. Semmelmann,
G. Weingart 

Quaternion-Kähler manifolds with non-negative quaternionic sectional curvature


M. Stroppel

Unitals without O'Nan configurations are classical if they admit all translations

M.S. Feinler,
B.N. Hahn

Learned RESESOP for solving inverse problems with inexact forward operator

A. Bordignon, G. Dusson, É. Cancès, G. Kemlin, R. A. Lainez Reyes, B. Stamm

Fully guaranteed and computable error bounds on the energy for periodic Kohn-Sham equations with convex density functionals


M. Baur

Weak coupling asymptotics for the Pauli operator in two dimensions


T. C. Corso,
T. Weidl,
Z. Zeng

Lieb-Thirring inequalities for the shifted Coulomb Hamiltonian


M. Dominguez-Vazquez, 
A. Kollross

On isoparametric foliations of complex and quaternionic projective spaces


L. Garrigue,
B. Stamm

On reduced basis methods for eigenvalue problems, and on its coupling with perturbation theory


T. Carvalho Corso

A generalized three lines lemma in Hardy-like spaces


D. Artacho,
U. Semmelmann 

Invariant Spinors on Flag Manifolds


Y. Cheng, E. Cancès, V. Ehrlacher, A.J. Misquitta, B. Stamm

Multi-center decomposition of molecular densities: A numerical perspective

D. Holzmüller, L. Grinsztajn, I. Steinwart

Better by Default: Strong Pre-Tuned MLPs and Boosted Trees on Tabular Data

I. Steinwart

When does a Gaussian process have its paths in a reproducing kernel Hilbert space?

T. Carvalho Corso, G. Kemlin, Chr.Melcher), B. Stamm

Numerical simulation of the Gross-Pitaevskii equation via vortex tracking

A. Jha

Residual-Based a Posteriori Error Estimators for Algebraic Stabilizations

I. Steinwart

Conditioning of Banach Space Valued Gaussian Random Variables: An Approximation Approach Based on Martingales

M.S. Feinler,
B.N. Hahn 

GAN-based iterative motion estimation in HASTE MRI

T. Carvalho Corso, T. Ried

On a variational problem related to the Cwikel-Lieb-Rozenblum and Lieb-Thirring inequalities

P.  Schwahn,
U. Semmelman

On the rigidity of the complex Grassmannians

M. Baur, T. Weidl

Eigenvalues of the magnetic Dirichlet Laplacian with constant magnetic field on disks in the strong field limit

M. Bondanza, T. Nottoli, M. Nottoli, L. Cupellini, F. Lipparini, B.Mennucci

The OpenMMPol Library for Polarizable QM/MM Calculations of Properties and Dynamics

 T. Carvalho Corso, M. Hassan, A. Jha, B. Stamm

Trace estimates for harmonic functions along circular arcs with applications to domain decomposition on overlapping disks

P. Knobloch, D. Kuzmin, A. Jha

Well-balanced convex limiting for finite element discretizations of steady convection-diffusion-reaction equations

B. N Hahn

Dynamic image reconstruction in MPI with RESESOP-Kaczmarz


Datum Verfasser Titel

M. Schölpple,
I. Steinwart

Which Spaces can be Embedded in Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces?

L. Theisen,
B. Stamm

A Scalable Two-Level Domain Decomposition Eigensolver for Periodic Schrödinger Eigenstates in Anisotropically Expanding Domains

G. Ball,
J. Madnick,
U. Semmelmann

The Morse index of quartic minimal hypersurfaces

M. Stroppel,
R. Löwen

Semiaffine stable planes

A. Jha,
B. Stamm

Domain decomposition method for Poisson–Boltzmann equations based on Solvent Excluded Surface

O. Macia,
U. Semmelmann,
G. Weingart

On quaternionic bisectional curvature

M. Griesemer,
V. Kußmaul

Pointwise bounds on eigenstates in non-relativistic quantum field theory 

F. Pes, È. Polack, P. Mazzeo, G. Dusson, B. Stamm, F. Lipparini

A Quasi Time-Reversible scheme based on density matrix extrapolation on the Grassmann manifold for Born-Oppenheimer Molecular Dynamics

V. Ehrlacher,
F. Legoll,
B. Stamm,
Sh. Xiang

Embedded corrector problems for homogenization in linear elasticity

M. Pförtner,
I. Steinwart,
P. Hennig,
J. Wenger

Physics-Informed Gaussian Process Regression Generalizes Linear PDE Solvers

M.  Haas,
D. Holzmüller,
U. von Luxburg,
I. Steinwart

Mind the spikes: Benign overfitting of kernels and neural networks in fixed dimension

P. -A Nagy,
U. Semmelmann

Second order Einstein deformations

M. Cekić,
T. Lefeuvre,
A. Moroianu,
U. Semmelmann

Correspondence between Pestov and Weitzenböck identities

P. Brehmer,
M. F. Herbst,
S. Wessel,
M. Rizzi,
B. Stamm

Reduced basis surrogates for quantum spin systems based on tensor networks

G. Dusson,
L. Garrigue,
B. Stamm

A multipoint perturbation formula for eigenvalue problems

R. Haak

 The free Eggert-operad and an operadic description of groups

P. Brehmer, M. F. Herbst, S. Wessel, M. Rizzi, B. Stamm

Reduced basis surrogates for quantum spin systems based on tensor networks

M. Stroppel

An isomorphism of unitals, and an isomorphism of classical groups

T. Dohnal,
D. E. Pelinovsky,
G. Schneider

Traveling modulating pulse solutions with small tails for a nonlinear wave equation in periodic media

M. Stroppel

Subalgebras of Octonion Algebras

M. S. Feinler,
B. N. Hahn

Retrospective Motion Correction in Gradient Echo MRI by Explicit Motion Estimation Using Deep CNNs

J. Rettberg,
D. Wittwar,
P. Buchfink,
R. Herkert,
J. Fehr,

Improved a posteriori Error Bounds for Reduced port-Hamiltonian Systems

S. Brandhorst,
D. C. Veniani

Hensel lifting algorithms for quadratic forms

R. Herker
P. Buchfink,
J. Rettberg,
J. Fehr

Randomized Symplectic Model Order Reduction for Hamiltonian Systems

D. Holzmüller,
F. Bach

Convergence Rates for Non-Log-Concave Sampling and Log-Partition Estimation

T. Wenzel,
B. Haasdonk,
M. Ohlberger,
F. Schindler

Application of Deep Kernel Models for Certified and Adaptive RB-ML-ROM Surrogate Modeling

T. Lamm,

Diffusive stability and self-similar decay for the harmonic map heat flow


Datum Verfasser Titel

R. Fukuizumi,
Y. Gao,
G. Schneider,
M. Takahashi

Pattern formation in 2d stochastic anisotropic Swift-Hohenberg equation

M. Griesemer,
M. Hofacker

On the Weakness of Short-Range Interactions in Fermi Gases

V. Zaverkin,
D. Holzmüller,
L. Bonfirraro,
J. Kästner

Transfer learning for chemically accurate interatomic neural network potentials

B. Schembera

Research-Data Management Planning in the German Mathematical Community

M. Heß,
G. Schneider

The validity of the Derivative NLS approximation for systems with cubic nonlinearities. CRC 1173 Preprint 2022/58, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology

S. Hofbauer,
X. Liao,
G. Schneider

Validity of the Whitham approximation for a complex cubic Klein–Gordon equation. CRC 1173 Preprint 2022/64, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology

D. Maier,
W. Reichel,
G. Schneider

Breather solutions for a semilinear Klein-Gordon equation on a periodic metric graph

M. Heß,
G. Schneider

A robust way to justify the Derivative NLS approximation. CRC 1173 Preprint 2022/50, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology

L. Kramer,
M. Stroppel

Hodge operators and groups of isometries of diagonalizable symmetric bilinear forms in characteristic two

D. Holzmüller, 
I. Steinwart

Training Two-Layer ReLU Networks with Gradient Descent is Inconsistent

R. Merkle
A. Barth


D. Holzmüller,
V. Zaverkin,
J. Kästner,
I. Steinwart

A Framework and Benchmark for Deep Batch Active Learning for Regression

T. Wenzel,
D. Winkle,
G. Santin,
B. Haasdonk

Adaptive meshfree solution of linear partial differential equations with PDE-greedy kernel methods

M. Geck,
J. Hetz

On the labelling of characters of Weyl groups of type F4

D. Pelinovsky,
G. Schneider

KP-II approximation for a scalar FPU system on a 2D square lattice

L. Giovenzana,
A. Grossi,
C. Onorati,
D. C. Veniani

Symplectic rigidity of O'Grady's tenfolds

J. Hetz

On the generalised Springer correspondence for groups of type E8

E. Chavli,
R. Marczinzik

Homological algebra of Nakayama algebras and 321-avoiding permutations

B. Haasdonk,
H. Kleikamp,
M. Ohlberger,
F. Schindler,
T. Wenzel

A new certified hierarchical and adaptive RB-ML-ROM surrogate model for parametrized PDEs

T. Wenzel,
G. Santin,
B. Haasdonk

Stability of convergence rates: Kernel interpolation on non-Lipschitz domains

G. Martin,
G. Mezzedimi,
D. Veniani

Enriques surfaces of non-degeneracy 3

D. Holzmüller,
V. Zaverkin,
J. Kästner, I. Steinwart

A Framework and Benchmark for Deep Batch Active Learning for Regression

B. Hilder,
B. de Rijk,
G. Schneider

Nonlinear stability of periodic roll solutions in the real Ginzburg-Landau equation against Cmub-perturbations


Datum Verfasser Titel
12/2021 P. Buchfink,
B. Haasdonk
Symplectic Model Reduction of Hamiltonian Systems on Nonlinear Manifolds
09/2021 V. Zaverkin,
D. Holzmüller,
I. Steinwart,
J. Kästner
Fast and Sample-Efficient Interatomic Neural Network Potentials for Molecules and Materials Based on Gaussian Moments
07/2021 X. Claeys,
M. Hassan,
B. Stamm
Continuity estimates for Riesz potentials on polygonal boundaries
07/2021 A. Braun,
M. Kohler,
S. Langer,
H. Walk
The Smoking Gun: Statistical Theory Improves Neural Network Estimates
07/2021 U. Semmelmann
P.-A. Nagy
Eigenvalue estimates for 3-Sasaki structures

Ch. Fiedler,
C. W. Scherer,
S. Trimpe

Learning-enhanced robust controller synthesis with rigorous statistical and control-theoretic guarantees
05/2021 T. Wenzel,
G. Santin,
B. Haasdonk
Universality and Optimality of Structured Deep Kernel Networks
05/2021 C. Scherer Dissipativity and Integral Quadratic Constraints, Tailored computational robustness tests for complex interconnections
05/2021 Chr. Fiedler,
C. W. Scherer,
S. Trimpe
Learning-enhanced robust controller synthesis with rigorous statistical and control-theoretic guarantees
05/2021 M. Geck On the computation of character values for finite Chevalley groups of exceptional type 
02/2021 C. Scherer,
Ch. Ebenbauer
Convex Synthesis of Accelerated Gradient Algorithms
03/2021 M.Klumpp,
G. Schneider
A note on the validity of the Schrödinger approximation for the Helmholtz equation
03/2021 B. Hilder,
B. de Rijk,
G. Schneider
Moving modulating pulse and front solutions of permanent form in a FPU model with nearest and next-to-nearest neighbor interaction
03/2021 M.Griesemer,
M. Hofacker
From Short-Range to Contact Interactions in Two-dimensional Many-Body Systems
01/2021 T. Haas,
B. de Rijk,
G. Schneider
Validity of Whitham's modulation equations for dissipative systems with a conservation law -- Phase dynamics in a generalized Ginzburg-Landau system --
01/2021 U. Semmelmann
P.-A. Nagy
The G_2 geometry of 3-Sasaki structures 


Datum Verfasser Titel

A. Rörich,
T. Werthmann,
D. Göddeke,
L. Grasedyck

Bayesian inversion for electromyography using low-rank tensor formats

U. Semmelmann
G. Weingart

Stability of Compact Symmetric Spaces

D. Gramlich,
Ch. Ebenbauer,
C. W. Scherer

Convex Synthesis of Accelerated Gradient Algorithms for Optimization and Saddle Point Problems using Lyapunov functions

U. Semmelmann, et al.

Linear Instability of Sasaki Einstein and nearly parallel G2 manifolds

T. Berrett,
L. Györfi,
H. Walk

Strongly universally consistent nonparametric regression and classification with privatised data

 L. Györfi,
H. Walk

Nearest neighbor based conformal prediction
10/2020 K. Altmann,
F. Witt
Toric co-Higgs sheaves
10/2020 D. Holzmüller On the Universality of the Double Descent Peak in Ridgeless Regression
09/2020 J. Berberich,
C. W. Scherer,
F. Allgöwer
Combining Prior Knowledge and Data for Robust Controller Design
09/2020 J. Berberich,
C. W. Scherer,
F.  Allgöwer
Combining Prior Knowledge and Data for Robust Controller Design
09/2020 B.N. Hahn, et al. Using the Navier-Cauchy equation for motion estimation in dynamic imaging
08/2020 Sändig, A.-M. Regularity results to semilinear Parabolic Initial Boundary Value Problems with Nonlinear Newton Boundary Conditions in a polygonal space-time cylinder
07.2020 U. Semmelmann,
P.-A. Nagy
Deformations of nearly G2-structures 
07/2020 D. Holzmüller,
I. Steinwart
Training Two-Layer ReLU Networks with Gradient Descent is Inconsistent

D. Gramlich,
Chr. Ebenbauer,
C. W. Scherer

Convex Synthesis of Accelerated Gradient Algorithms for Optimization and Saddle Point Problems using Lyapunov functions
06/2020 A. Kollross Polar actions on Damek-Ricci spaces
03/2020 P.-A. Nagy,
U. Semmelmann
Conformal Killing forms in Kaehler geometry
03/2020 S. Brandhorst,
D. Veniani
K3 surfaces covering an Enriques surface
03/2020 J. Hetz On the values of unipotent characters of finite Chevalley groups of type E7 in characteristic 2
03/2020 R. Tielen,
M. Möller,
D. Göddeke,
C. Vuik
A p-multigrid method enhanced with an ILUT smoother and its comparison to h-multigrid methods within Isogeometric Analysis
03/2020 T. Hamm,
I. Steinwart
SVM Learning Rates for Data with Low Intrinsic Dimension
02/2020 A. Kollross,
M. Amann
Equivariant formality of the isotropy action on Z2⊕Z2-symmetric spaces
02/2020 U.Semmelmann, et al. An Obata-type characterization of doubly-warped product K\''ahler manifolds
02/2020 U.Semmelmann, et al. An Obata-type characterization of Calabi metrics on line bundles
02/2020 I. Steinwart Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces Cannot Contain all Continuous Functions on a Compact Metric Space
02/2020 M. Sebih,
J. Wirth
On a wave equation with singular dissipation
02/2020 N. Krauss The integral double Burnside ring of the symmetric group S3
01/2020 C. Rohde,
H. Tang
On the stochastic Dullin-Gottwald-Holm equation: Global existence and wave-breaking phenomena
01/2020 C. Rohde,
H. Tang
On a stochastic Camassa-Holm type equation with higher order nonlinearities
01/2020 J. Kennedy,
R. Lang
On the eigenvalues of quantum graph Laplacians with large complex δ couplings
01/2020 C. A. Rösinger, 
C. W. Scherer
Lifting to Passivity for H2-Gain-Scheduling Synthesis with Full Block Scalings
01/2020 J.Wirth et al. Decay estimates for a Klein-Gordon model with time-periodic coefficients
01/2020 J. Brinker,
J. Wirth
Gelfand triples for the Kohn-Nirenberg quantization on homogeneous Lie groups


Datum Verfasser Titel
12/2019 S. Fischer Some New Bounds on the Entropy Numbers of Diagonal Operators
12/2019 C. Rohde,
L. von Wolff
A Ternary Cahn-Hilliard Navier-Stokes Model for Two Phase Flow with Precipitation and Dissolution
12/2019 J. Giesselmann,
F. Meyer,
C. Rohde
Error control for statistical solutions
12/2019 T. Hitz,
J. Keim,
C.-D. Munz,
C. Rohde
A Parabolic Relaxation Model for the Navier-Stokes-Korteweg Equations
11/2019 T. Wenzel, 
G. Santin, 
B. Haasdonk
A novel class of stabilized greedy kernel approximation algorithms: Convergence, stability & uniform point distribution
11/2019 D. Göddeke et al. Exa-Dune -- Flexible PDE Solvers, Numerical Methods and Applications
10/2019 T. Holicki,
C. W. Scherer
Output-Feedback Synthesis for a Class of Aperiodic Impulsive Systems
09/2019 L. Ostrowski,
C. Rohde
A Phase Field Approach to Compressible Droplet Impingement
08/2019 J. Kennedy,
R. Lang et al.
On the eigenvalues of the Robin Laplacian with a complex parameter
08/2019 J. Giesselmann,
F. Meyer,
C. Rohde
An a posteriori error analysis based on non-intrusive spectral projections for systems of random conservation laws
08/2019 M. Griesemer,
U. Linden,
M. Hofacker
From Short-Range to Contact Interactions in the 1d Bose Gas
072019 W.-P. Düll Validity of the Nonlinear Schrödinger Approximation for the Two-Dimensional Water Wave Problem With and Without Surface Tension in the Arc Length Formulation
07/2019 U. Freiberg,
S. Kohl
Martin boundary theory on inhomogenous fractals
06/2019 B. de Rijk,
G. Schneider
Global existence and decay in nonlinearly coupled reaction-diffusion-advection equations with different velocities
05/2019 L. Ostrowski,
C. Rohde
Compressible multi-component flow in porous media with Maxwell-Stefan diffusion
05/2019 S. Michalowsky, 
Robust and structure exploiting optimization algorithms: An integral quadratic constraint approach
05/2019 U. Semmelmann et al. Conformal Killing forms on nearly Kähler manifolds
05/2019 A. Armiti-Juber,
C. Rohde
On the Well-posedness of a Nonlinear Fourth-Order Extension of Richards' Equation
05/2019 F. Burghart,
U. Freiberg
The Einstein Relation on Metric Measure Spaces
04/2019 J. Magiera,
D. Ray,
J. Hesthaven,
C. Rohde
Constraint-Aware Neural Networks for Riemann Problems
03/2019 G. Schneider et al. Effective numerical simulation of the Klein–Gordon–Zakharov system in the Zakharov limit
03/2019 U. Freiberg,
L. Minorics
Eigenvalue Approximation for Krein-Feller-Operators
02/2019 J. Giesselmann,
F. Meyer,
C. Rohde
A posteriori error analysis and adaptive non-intrusive numerical schemes for systems of random conservation laws
02/2019 C. Rohde,
L. von Wolff
Homogenization of Non-Local Navier-Stokes-Korteweg Equations for Compressible Liquid-Vapour Flow in Porous Media
02/2019 U. Freiberg,
K. Taglieber
Random graphs and their subgraphs
01/2019 D. Göddeke et al. Simulation of Nonlinear Signal Propagation in Multimode Fibers on Multi-GPU Systems
2019 N. Knarr,
M. Stroppel
Embeddings and ambient automorphisms of the Pappus configuration
2019 S. Fischer Some New Bounds on the Entropy Numbers of Diagonal Operators

A. Braun,
M. Kohler,
H. Walk

On the rate of convergence of a neural network regression estimate learned by gradient descent
2019 L. Györfi,
N. Henze,
H. Walk
The limit distribution of maximum probability nearest neighbor ball
2019 F. Gaspoz,
C.-J. Heine,
K. Siebert
An Alternative Proof of the H1-Stability of the L2-Projection on Graded Meshes
Datum Verfasser Titel
11/2018 G. Schneider,
D. Zimmermann, et al.
Effective slow dynamics models for a class of dispersive systems
11/2018 T. Haas,
G. Schneider
Failure of the N-wave interaction approximation without imposing periodic boundary conditions
11/2018 G. Schneider The KdV approximation for a system with unstable resonances
11/2018 G. Schneider et al. A model for the periodic water wave problem and its long wave amplitude equations
10/2018 B. Haasdonk, 
B. Hamzi,
G. Santin, 
D. Wittwar
Greedy Kernel Methods for Center Manifold Approximation
09/2018 A. Alla, 
B. Haasdonk, 
A. Schmidt
Feedback control of parametrized PDEs via model order reduction and dynamic programming principle
08/2018 T. Haas,
B. de Rijk,
G. Schneider
Modulation equations near the Eckhaus boundary: the KdV equation
08/2018 F. Meyer,
C.-D. Munz,
C. Rohde, et al.
hp-Multilevel Monte Carlo Methods for Uncertainty Quantification of Compressible Flows
07/2018 D. Wittwar, 
G. Santin, 
B. Haasdonk
Interpolation with uncoupled separable matrix-valued kernels
07/2018 G. Santin,
D. Wittwar, 
B. Haasdonk
Greedy regularized kernel interpolation
06/2018 U. Semmelmann et al. Generalized vector cross products and Killing forms on negatively curved manifolds
05/2018 U. Semmelmann et al. Metric connections with parallel skew-symmetric torsion
05/2018 A. Kollross Octonions, triality, the exceptional Lie algebra F4, and polar actions on the Cayley hyperbolic plan
05/2018 M. Griesemer,
U. Linden
Spectral Theory of the Fermi Polaron
05/2018 A. Kollross et al. On homogeneous manifolds whose isotropy actions are polar
04/2018 B. Haasdonk, et al. An algorithmic comparison of the Hyper-Reduction and the Discrete Empirical Interpolation Method for a nonlinear thermal problem
04/2018 U. Semmelmann et al. The kernel of the Rarita-Schwinger operator on Riemannian spin manifolds
04/2018 D. Göddeke et al. A high-level C++ approach to manage local errors, asynchrony and faults in an MPI application
03/2018 C. W. Scherer, 
J. Veenman
Stability analysis by dynamic dissipation inequalities: On merging frequency-domain techniques with time-domain conditions
03/2018 G. Schneider,
D. Zimmermann, et al.
Nonlinear stability at the Eckhaus boundary
03/2018 B. Haasdonk et al. Symplectic Model-Reduction with a Weighted Inner Product
03/2018 J. Wirth et al.  Zero resonances for localised potentials
02/2018 B. Haasdonk, et al. Enabling Interactive Mobile Simulations Through Distributed Reduced Models
02/2018 T. Köppl,
G. Santin, 
B. Haasdonk, 
R. Helmig
Numerical modelling of a peripheral arterial stenosis using dimensionally reduced models and kernel methods
02/2018 T. Brünnette, 
G. Santin, 
B. Haasdonk
Greedy kernel methods for accelerating implicit integrators for parametric ODEs
02/2018 A. Barth,
B. Haasdonk,
C. Rohde, et al.
Comparison of data-driven uncertainty quantification methods for a carbon dioxide storage benchmark scenario
02/2018 M. Griesemer,
U. Linden
Stability of the two-dimensional Fermi polaron
02/2018 D. Göddeke et al. Towards realistic HPC models of the neuromuscular system
2018 M. Stroppel et al. Embeddings of hermitian unitals into pappian projective planes


Dieses Bild zeigt Jürgen Dippon

Jürgen Dippon

Dr. rer. nat. habil.

Privatdozent, Prüfungsausschuss Mathematik Lehramt

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