Promotion am Fachbereich Physik
Maßgeblich für eine Promotion an der Fakultät 8 Mathematik und Physik ist die Promotionsordnung der Universität Stuttgart sowie ergänzende Beschlüsse des Promotionsausschusses des Fachbereichs:
- Informationen zur Promotion auf den Seiten der Universität Stuttgart
- Promotionsordnung 2019
- Promotionsordnung 2016
- Promotionsordnung 2011
- Promotionsordnung 2008
- Merkblatt zur Promotion am Fachbereich Physik
- Promotionsvereinbarung
- Veröffentlichung der Dissertation - Hinweise der Universitätsbibliothek
Eine Liste kürzlich durchgeführter Promotionen
Tag der mündlichen Prüfung | Titel | Name, Vorname |
02.12.2024 | Exciton Bose-Einstein Condensation and Topology in Van Vleck-Type Mott Insulators | Aust, Friedemann |
30.10.2024 | Control of the far field of classical and non-classical light sources | Engel, Lena |
18.09.2024 | Scanning Tunneling Microscopy Study on Topological Material Candidates with Orbital and Spin Degrees of Freedom | Que, Xinglu |
16.09.2024 |
On stochastic thermodynamics under incomplete information. Thermodynamic inference from Markovian events |
van der Meer, Jann |
13.09.2024 | Spin - photon entanglement with NV center in diamond for quantum repeater applications | Dzhavadzade, Dzhavid |
12.09.2024 | Bounds on dynamical quantities in stochastic non-equilibrium systems From dynamical phenomena to thermodynamic inference |
Degünther, Julius |
08.08.2024 | Quantum critical fluctuations at the onset of incommensurate density wave order with flat hot spots in two-dimensional metals | Debbeler, Lukas |
06.08.2024 | From Topological Nodal Planes and Multifold Crossings in 3D to Strong Correlations in 2D | Alpin, Kirill |
19.07.2024 | Classical and semiclassical approaches to excitons in cuprous oxide | Ertl, Jan |
18.07.2024 | Self-organized Structures and Excitations in Dipolar Quantum Fluids | Hertkorn, Jens |
17.07.2024 | Silicon Vacancies in Silicon Carbide towards Scalable Quantum Applications | Liu, Di |
02.07.2024 | Resonant Inelastic X-ray Scattering Study of Kitaev Spin Liquid Candidates | Yang, Zichen |
02.07.2024 | Motile bacteria in complex environments | Lohrmann, Christoph |
17.06.2024 | Exploring the growth of refractory metal and sapphire films by thermal laser epitaxy | Majer, Lena Nadine |
15.04.2024 | Nonlinear phenomena in stochastic thermodynamics. From optimal protocols to criticality | Remlein, Benedikt |
05.04.2024 | Optical Studies of Topological Semimetals in Magnetic Fields | Polatkan, Sascha |
28.02.2024 | Nonlinear Dynamics of and coherent Raman Imaging with Fiber-feedback Optical Parametric Oscillators | Flöß, Moritz |
Tag der mündlichen Prüfung | Titel | Name, Vorname |
15.12.2023 | Electrical detection of Rydberg interactions in nitric oxide at room temperature | Munkes, Fabian |
22.11.2023 | Photonic nanostructures for efficient coupling and light enhancement in semiconductor quantum technologies | Bauer, Stephanie Andrea |
09.11.2023 | Effective Kugel-Khomskii type models for d4 and d5 materials | Strobel, Pascal |
30.10.2023 | Coarse-Grained Simulations of Molecular Catalysis in Confined Spaces | Tischler, Ingo |
27.10.2023 | On the development of activating teaching materials in theoretical physics | Scheiger, Philipp |
09.10.2023 | Quantum cooling: thermodynamics and information | Soldati, Rodolfo R. |
01.08.2023 | Correlated Voltage Dependent- and Magnetic-Reflectometry at Transition Metal/Insulator Heterostructures | Ilse, Sven Erik |
26.07.2023 | Towards highly efficient single photon detectors for near- and mid-infrared using integrated niobium plasmonics | Karl, Philipp |
21.07.2023 | Entwicklung eines Lehr-Lern-Labors zum Thema Radioaktivität eine didaktische Rekonstruktion | Prokop, Axel-Thilo |
20.07.2023 | Measuring solid-state properties with single-spin quantum sensor | Shalomayeva, Tetyana |
30.06.2023 | Quantum Fluctuations and Appearance of Supersolidity in Confined Ultracold Atomic Gases | Ilg, Tobias |
19.06.2023 | Molecular Dynamics simulations for the study of interaction between non-canonical DNA structures and biochemically relevant co-solutes | Zingrebe, Ewa-Anna |
07.06.2023 | Quantum Randomness Certified By Different Quantum Phenomena | Chen, Xing |
22.05.2023 | Thin-film InGaAs metamorphic buffer for telecom C-band quantum dots and optical resonators | Sittig, Robert |
15.05.2023 | InAs/GaAs quantum dots as sources of non-classical light in the telecom wavelength regime | Nawrath, Cornelius |
08.05.2023 | Collective Modes of the Superconducting Condensate | Rafael Haenel |
02.05.2023 | Magnetic microrobot collectives as a model system for self-organisation | Gaurav, Gardi |
28.04.2023 | Efficient single-photon emission from semiconductor quantum dots in photonic structures | Kolatschek, Sascha |
21.04.2023 | Integrated atom-photonic devices at telecom wavelengths | Skljarow, Artur |
19.04.2023 | Advances in Transition-State Theory and Applications to Driven Systems | Reiff, Johannes |
17.04.2023 | Laserablation of Covalent Materials | Klein, Dominic Alexancer |
03.04.2023 | Static and Dynamic Investigation of Magnonic Systems: Materials, Applications and Modeling | Schulz, Frank |
23.03.2023 | Resolving Tunneling Processes into Yu-Shiba-Rusinov States under Microwave Irradiation | Siebrecht, Janis Noah Malte |
21.03.2023 | Thermal Laser Epitaxy: From Fundamental Physics to the Growth of Thin Films | Smart, Thomas James |
17.02.2023 | Pulse resonance fluorescence and two-photon interference using remote quantum dots | Weber, Jonas Heinrich |
26.01.2023 | New materials, design and fabrication of complex micro-optics | Schmid, Michael Daniel |
19.01.2023 | Scanning Tunneling Microscopy of Superconductors and High Field Electron Spin Resonance | Uhl, Maximilian |
Tag der mündlichen Prüfung | Titel | Name, Vorname |
20.12.2022 | Wave front shaping with zone plates: Fabrication and characterization of lenses for soft x-ray applications from standard to singular optics | Baluktsian, Margarita |
15.12.2022 | Polarized neutron reflectometry study of complex magnetism and hydrogen incorporation in thin-film structures | Guasco, Laura |
12.12.2022 | Stochastische Thermodynamik kohärenter Oszillationen | Oberreiter, Lukas |
07.12.2022 | A quantum optical microphone in the audio band based on nonlinear interferometry and a fiber-optical interface for nanophotonic devices | Nold, Raphael Severin |
06.12.2022 | Continuous wave Doppler-free spectroscopy on the 𝐀 𝟐𝚺+ ← 𝐗 𝟐𝚷𝟑/𝟐 transition in thermal nitric oxide | Kaspar, Patrick Benjamin |
05.12.2022 | Optimising Nitrogen-Vacancy based widefield imaging for broadband applications | Garsi, Marwa |
30.11.2022 | Rydberg Excitons in Cuprous Oxide | Neubauer, Annika |
27.10.2022 | Quantifying Quantum Heterodyne and Non-linear Spectroscopy for Nanoscale Magnetic Resonance | Meinel, Jonas |
25.10.2022 | Crystalline Topological Semimentals: Classification and Properties | Leonhardt, Andreas |
14.10.2022 | Spectroscopic Investigations of Kagome Honeycomb Quantum Magnets | Biesner, Tobias |
10.10.2022 | Photon correlations and collective phenomena with Rydberg superatoms | Kleinbeck, Kevin |
05.10.2022 | Spatially resolved study of Rydberg-atom - ion interactions | Zuber, Niclas |
28.09.2022 | Functional & Active Plasmonic Systems and Metasurfaces | Karst, Julian |
27.09.2022 | Semiconductor quantum dot based cavities supporting two-photon emission | Seyfferle, Simon |
23.09.2022 | Long-range order, bosonic fluctuations, and pseudogap in strongly correlated electron systems | Bonetti, Pietro Maria |
19.09.2022 | Advanced fabrication strategies for complex micro-optics | Ristok, Simon |
16.08.2022 | Probing the optical fingerprints of multifold Weyl semimetals | Maulana, Lucky Zaehir |
01.08.2022 | Charge degrees of freedom in quasi-two-dimentional organic conductors | Iakutkina, Olga |
29.07.2022 | Entwicklung von Methoden und Bausteinen zur Realisierung komplexer magnonischer Systeme | Groß, Felix |
27.07.2022 | Structural, electronic and magnetic properties of infinite-layer nickelate heterostructures and polycrystals | Ortiz, Roberto Antonio |
27.07.2022 | Experimental Technique to Resolve the Compressible/Incompressible Droplet Landscape in a (Al, Ga) As Quantum Hall Sample and Hall Potential Profiles in a 3D TI Mercury Telluride Sample | Kühn, Maximilian |
25.07.2022 | Theory of resonant light-matter interactions in nanophotonic sensing | Both, Steffen |
21.07.2022 | Thermodynamic uncertainty relations for time-dependent driving | Koyuk, Timur |
20.07.2022 | High pressure dielectric studies on hybrid crystals: perovskites and beryl | Chan, Yuk Tai |
12.07.2022 | Theory of yellow and green excitons in cuprous oxide with emphasis on correction terms and external fields | Rommel, Patrick |
27.06.2022 | Critical Magnetic Fluctuations in Strongly Electron-Correlated Systems | Trepka, Heiko |
22.06.2022 | Electrical transport and microwave study of a correlated two-dimensional electron system | Tabrea, Daniela |
13.05.2022 | Variational cluster approximation at finite temperatures | Lotze, Jan |
10.05.2022 | Atomic Scale Electron Spin Resonance at High Zeeman Energies | Kot, Piotr |
09.05.2022 | High Quality Graphene for Magnetic Sensing | Herlinger, Patrick |
09.05.2022 | Thermodynamic Uncertainty Relation for Stochastic Field Theories – General Formulation and Application to the Karadar-Parisi-Zhang Equation | Niggemann, Oliver Frank |
25.04.2022 | Real-space spectroscopy of interacting quasiparticles in exotic semimertals | He, Qingyu |
20.04.2022 | Nonlinear optics in dense atomic vapors | Christaller, Florian |
28.03.2022 | Integrating silicon carbide spintronics quantum systems | Babin, Charles |
24.03.2022 | Transport and resonant soft x-ray scattering studies of cuprate superconductors under uniaxial stress | Nakata, Suguru |
23.03.2022 | Ultrafast VECSELs in the red spectral range | Großmann, Marius |
08.03.2022 | 3D Printed Micro-Optics: Materials, Methods and Applications | Weber, Ksenia |
03.03.2022 | Electronic properties of rare earth vanadate heterostructures | Radhakrishnan, Padma |
17.02.2022 | Collective excitations and order parameter dynamics in quantum materials | Kim, Min-Jae |
28.01.2022 | Electron Spin Resonance Investigations on Organic Spin Liquid Compounds | Miksch, Björn |
19.01.2022 | Density Fluctuations in a Dipolar Quantum Gas - from Superfluids to Supersolids | Schmidt, Jan-Niklas |
Tag der mündlichen Prüfung | Titel | Name, Vorname |
21.12.2021 | Dielectric Effects in Complex Fluids | Zeman, Johannes |
24.11.2021 | Accurate Quantum Simulations with Rydberg Atoms | Weber, Sebastian |
11.11.2021 | Experimentelle Untersuchungen der magnetischen und elektronischen Eigenschaften von LaAlO3/SrTiO3-Heterostrukturen | Wittlich, Pascal |
22.10.2021 | Dielecric properties on the insulating side of the superconductor-insulator transition | Ebensperger, Nikolaj Gabriel |
19.10.2021 | Lattice Boltzmann Methods for Microswimmers in Complex Environments | Kuron, Michael |
06.10.2021 | Nanoscale Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy with Nitrogen-Vacancy Centers in Diamond | Kobayashi, Takeshi |
06.10.2021 | Terahertz and Infrared Spectroscopy of Thin Film Cuprate Supercondutors | Dawson, Robert |
05.10.2021 | Tuning the properties and microstructuring of ionic liquid mixtures at surfaces through atomistic modeling | Paone, Domenico |
22.09.2021 | Dynamics of Charge Density Waves at the Atomic Scale | Abdo, Mohammad |
13.09.2021 | Modeling the Translocation of DNA Structures through Nanopores | Szuttor, Kai |
08.09.2021 | Topological band crossings in metals, magnets, and non-Hermitian systems | Hirschmann, Moritz |
07.09.2021 | From Classical to Quantum Stochastic Resonance | McMurtrie, Gregory |
21.07.2021 | Collective Effects of Light-Matter Interactions in Rydberg Superatoms | Kumlin, Jan |
30.06.2021 | Röntgenmikroskopische Untersuchungen der Magnetisierungsdynamik in nanoskaligen magnonischen Wellenleiterstrukturen | Träger, Nick |
30.06.2021 | A single, cold ion immersed in a Bose-Einstein condensate – transport and inelastic collision dynamics | Dieterle, Thomas |
24.06.2021 | Nonequilibrium steady-state physics with quantum master equations | Konopik, Michael |
10.06.2021 | An ion microscope to probe quantum gases on the single-atom level | Veit, Christian |
31.05.2021 | Symmetries and Symmetrisation in Quantum and Electromagnetic Multi-Mode Systems for Balancing Gain and Loss | Dizdarevic, Daniel |
21.05.2021 | Nonlinear optics in hybrid plasmon-fiber cavitites | Ai, Qi |
21.04.2021 | Optical properties of tunable fiber/semiconductor based single- and double cavities containing quantum dots | Herzog, Thomas |
25.03.2021 | Electrical Conductivity in Quantum Materials | Mitscherling, Johannes |
18.03.2021 | Stochastic Thermodynamics – from Hydrodynamics to Stochastic Inference | Uhl, Matthias |
25.02.2021 | Quantum dot single-photon sources based on waveguide Bragg grating cavities for integrated quantum photonics | Hepp, Stefan |
09.02.2021 | Optical and quantum optical properties of a quantum dot-atomic vapor interface | Vural, Hüseyn |
18.01.2021 | Correlated phenomena in graphene at high and low carrier density | Geurs, Johannes |
Tag der mündlichen Prüfung | Titel | Name, Vorname |
15.12.2020 | Electrically pumped AIGAInP-based semiconductor lasers in the red-spectral range | Huang, Zhihua |
03.12.2020 | Towards an underdamped thermodynamic uncertainty relation | Fischer, Lukas |
18.11.2020 | X-ray and Raman scattering studies of novel phases in 3d and 4d transition metal oxides | Fürsich, Katrin |
18.11.2020 | Thermoelektronische Energiekonvertierung und ihre fundamentalen Grenzen | Wanke, Robin |
30.09.2020 | Perturbation and manipulation of leaky modes in photonic crystal fibers | Upendar, Swaathi |
18.09.2020 | From positive to negative ions, studies based on Rydberg spetroscopy | Engel, Felix |
15.09.2020 | Theory of nonlinear plasmonics | Defrance, Josselin |
08.09.2020 | Molekulardynamische Simulationen der Laserablation an Aluminium unter Einbeziehung von Plasmaeffekten | Eisfeld, Eugen |
07.09.2020 | Phase-space resolved decay rates of driven systems near the transition state | Feldmaier, Matthias |
05.08.2020 | Spectroscopy and engineering of single rare-earth solid-state qubits | Kornher, Thomas |
27.07.2020 | Electrolyte solutions at heterogeneoulsy charged surfaces | Mußotter, Maximilian |
27.07.2020 | From ground state properties to high energy spectroscopy: extending the application of DMFT for correlated quantum materials | Schmid, Michael Thobias |
27.07.2020 | Magnetische Röntgenmikroskopie zur Untersuchung des lokalen Stromtransports in Supraleitern | Simmendinger, Julian |
22.07.2020 | Spin-Bahn-Effekte in der Vortexdynamik und kürzeste Spinwellen in Y3Fe5O12 | Förster, Johannes |
22.07.2020 | Phase transitions in thermodynamically consistent biochemical systems | Nguyen, Basile |
21.07.2020 | Imaging microspectroscopy of functional nanoplasmonic systems | Sterl, Florian Frederik |
17.07.2020 | Theory of leaky mode propagation in optical waveguide geometries | Allayarov, Izzatjon |
06.07.2020 | Linear response theory for equilibrium and nonequilibrium systems perturbed by nonconservative forces: The role of symmetries | Asheichyk, Kiryl |
26.06.2020 | Uniaxial pressure study of charge density waves in a high-Tc cuprate superconductor | Kim, Hun-ho |
26.06.2020 | Hocheffiziente Präzisionsalgorithmen zur Modellierung und Analyse granularer poröser Medien | Zauner, Thomas |
28.05.2020 | Algorithms and Resources for Quantum Technology, Sensing and Random Number Generation | Greiner, Johannes Nikolaus |
22.05.2020 | Spectroscopic investigation of defects and their impact on the physical properties of transition-metal-oxide heterostructures | Kim, Gideok |
29.04.2020 | Coupling single electron spins to external degrees of freedom | Oeckinghaus, Thomas |
28.04.2020 | Supersolid Arrays of Dipolar Quantum Droplets | Böttcher, Fabian |
21.02.2020 | Simulation and modeling of polyelectrolyte gels | Landsgesell, Jonas |
05.02.2020 | Realistic calculation for correlated materials | Toloui-Mantadakis, Daniil |
16.01.2020 | Identifying street conditions by infrared spectroscopy | Baumgartner, Andreas |
Tag der mündlichen Prüfung | Titel | Name, Vorname |
18.12.2019 | Excitonic antiferomagnetism in two-dimensional t42g Systems | Feldmaier, Teresa Ricarda |
22.11.2019 | High-density hydrogen monolayer formation and isotope diffusion in porous media | Balderas Xicohténcatl, Rafael |
22.11.2019 | Pressure-dependent dielectric spectroscopy measurements on organic spin liquid compounds | Rösslhuber, Roland Felix Ludwig |
18.11.2019 | Fabrication and Analysis of Nanostructures in the Quantum Material SrRuO3 | Laskin, Gennadii |
11.11.2019 | Mid-infrared resonant nanostructures for in-vitro monitoring of polypeptides | Semenyshyn, Rostyslav |
11.11.2019 | Effiziente Energiekonversion basierend auf atomar kontrollierten Heterostrukturen | Voesch, Wolfgang |
30.10.2019 | Extensions of dynamical mean-field theory to non-local correlations and multi-band systems | Cao, Xiaodong |
30.10.2019 | Nonlinear Spectroscopy of Complex Plasmonic Nanostructures | Krauth, Joachim |
11.10.2019 | Structure and Electronic Properties of Epitaxial Monolayer SWe2 | Mohammed, Avaise |
11.10.2019 | Ellipsometric Investigations of Plasmonic Nanostructures and Thin Films | Voloshenko, Ievgen |
29.07.2019 | Thermal Rydberg Spectroscopy and Plasma | Weller, Daniel Tobias |
25.07.2019 | Nichtlineare Halbgruppen und Hysteresemodelle für nichtmonotone Sättigungsprofile | Steinle, Rouven Hannes |
19.07.2019 | NMR spectroscopy with single shallow NV centers | Shagieva, Farida |
12.07.2019 | From Hermitian to non-Hermitian topological phases of matter | Rui, Wenbin |
09.07.2019 | Quantum emitters in low dimensional van der Waals systems | Chejanovsky, Natan |
27.06.2019 | Optical studies on two-dimensional organic conductors under high pressure | Li, Weiwu |
03.06.2019 | Fabrication of efficient single-photon devices based on pre-selected quantum dots using deterministic optical lithography | Sartison, Marc |
23.05.2019 | Hyperspectral Coherent Anti-Stockes Raman Scattering (CARS) Imaging | Gomes da Costa, Stefan |
21.05.2019 | A single-photon source based on strongly interacting thermal Rydberg | Ripka, Fabian Tobias |
20.05.2019 | Rydberg Molecules for Ultracold Ion-Atom Scattering | Schmid, Thomas |
10.05.2019 | Interfaces in fluids of Ionic Liquid Crystals | Bartsch, Hendrik |
06.05.2019 | Optical and quantum-optical properties of telecommunication-wavelength semiconductor quantum dots on GaAs substrates | Olbrich, Fabian |
11.04.2019 | Probing the electronic structure of new 3D Dirac semimetals | Topp, Andreas |
28.03.2019 | A single electron sensor assisted by a quantum coprocessor | Zaiser, Sebastian Felix |
28.03.2019 | A Scanning Single-Electron Transistor Array Microscope Probes the Hall Potential Profile in the Fractional Quantum Hall Regime | Gauß, Andreas Werner |
18.03.2019 | One-Dimensional Topological States of Synthetic Quantum Matter | Lang, Nicolai |
01.03.2019 | A trace gas sensor based on Rydberg ex-citations: A proof of concept study | Schmidt, Johannes |
27.02.2019 | Ferromagnetic colloids in liquid crystal solvents | Zarubin, Grigorii Sergeevich |
26.02.2019 | Triplons in the excitonic Kitaev-Heisenberg model on the honeycomb lattice: condensation, interactions and topology | Anisimov, Pavel |
12.02.2019 | Functional renormaliztation group for strongly interacting Fermi systems | Vilardi, Demetrio |
01.02.2019 | Modellierung von Handelprozessen mit der Mastergleichung | Wurster, Markus |
Tag der mündlichen Prüfung | Titel | Name, Vorname |
20.12.2018 | Simulation Studies on Electrodes and Electrolytes for Electric Double Layer Capacitors | Breitsprecher, Konrad |
18.12.2018 | Neutron Scattering Studies on Layered Ruthenates | Krautloher, Maximilian Josef |
17.12.2018 | High Frequency Spin Dynamics Investigation of Quantum Critical Matters by Metallic Coplanar Resonators | Javaheri-Rahim, Moitaba |
14.12.2018 | Macroscopic States of Dipolar Quantum Gases | Wenzel, Matthias |
13.12.2018 | Microwave investigations on superconducting Nb-doped SrTiO3 | Thiemann, Markus |
07.12.2018 | New Permanent Magnetic Materials: Efficient Search, Microstructure and Magnetic Properties | Karimi, Roman |
03.12.2018 | Fully integrated, GaAs-based quantum photonic circuits: resonant generation, splitting and detection of single-photon emission on-chip | Schwartz, Mario |
22.11.2018 | Mitigating the noise of a quantum sensor in single-spin nuclear magnetic resonance | Pfender, Matthias |
19.11.2018 | Optical Studies on Dirac and Weyl Semimetals | Schilling, Micha Benjamin |
12.10.2018 | Engineering and Control of Defects in Silicon Carbide for Quantum Technologies | Widmann, Matthias |
04.10.2018 | Nanoscale nuclear magnetic resonance with chemical structure resolution | Aslam, Nabeel Ahmad |
04.10.2018 | Cryogenic NV Scanning Probe Magne-tometry | Brunner, Andreas |
25.07.2018 | Synthesis and Electron Ordering Phenomena of Calcium Ruthenate Thin Films | Dietl, Christopher Johannes |
23.07.2018 | Nanometric Magnetic Resonance Imaging with a Wide Field of View | Ziem, Florestan Colin |
23.07.2018 | High-Resolution X-ray Ptychography for Magnetic Imaging | Bykova, Iuliia |
16.07.2018 | Ions and Electrons Interacting with Ultracold Atoms – Novel Approaches Based on Rydberg Excitations | Kleinbach, Kathrin Sophie |
29.06.2018 | Gepulste Halbleiterscheibenlaser im roten Spektralbereich: Sättigbare Halbleiterabsorberspiegel, Frequenzverdopplung und absorberfreie Modenkopplung | Bek, Roman Andreas |
21.06.2018 | Quantum Monte Carlo Studies of Strongly Correlated Systems for Quantum Simulators | Humeniuk, Stephan |
11.06.2018 | Thermodynamic bounds on current fluctuation | Pietzonka, Patrick |
08.06.2018 | Nanotribologie von kolloidalen Kristallen auf periodischen Substratpotenzialen | Brazda, Thorsten |
09.05.2018 | Growth and Characterization of Transition Metal Oxide Heterostructures with a Tailored Work Function | Rastegar Alam, Iman |
20.04.2018 | Electrokinetic Transport Phenomena in Soft-Matter Systems | Rempfer, Georg |
12.04.2018 | Interfacing thermal atoms with integrated photonic waveguides | Ritter, Ralf |
22.03.2018 | Fluoreszenzdetektiertes Schalten im optischen Nahfeld | Heilig, Mark |
22.03.2018 | XMCD investigation at M4,5 edges of the rare earth elements in high-performance permanent magnet | Tripathi, Sapana |
22.03.2018 | High Resolution Electron Beam Lithography: An improved understanding of a versatile lithography technique | Rommel, Markus |
19.03.2018 | Experimentelle Untersuchungen der Optimierung epitaktischer LaAlO3/SrTiO3-basierter Heterostrukturen | Teker, Ali |
09.03.2018 | XMCD investigations on new hard magnetic systems | Chen, Yu-Chun |
21.02.2018 | Revealing Plasmonic Effects of One-Dimensional Periodic Structures through Mueller Matrix Spectroscopic Ellipsometry | Wang, Meng |
20.02.2018 | Effective Interactions between Colloidal Particles in Critical Solvents | Labbé-Laurent, Marcel Maxime |
09.02.2018 | Stochastic Thermodynamics of Learning | Goldt, Sebastian |
07.02.2018 | On Magnetometry using Ensembles of NV Defect Centers in Diamond | Wolf, Thomas |
06.02.2018 | Electrolyte solutions and simple fluids at curved walls | Reindl, Andreas |
Tag der mündlichen Prüfung | Titel | Name, Vorname |
18.12.2017 | Fluorescent nanodiamonds as a sensor and life science probe | Rendler, Torsten |
14.12.2017 | Theory of excitons in cuprous oxide | Schweiner, Frank Stefan |
24.11.2017 | Unveiling Electronic Correlations in Layered Molecular Conductors by Optical Spectroscopy | Pustogow, Andrej |
15.11.2017 | Hydrogen in Metal Nanoparticles: Understanding and Applying Thermodynamic Properties of Metal-Hydrogen Nanostructures | Strohfeldt, Nikolai-Sven |
14.11.2017 | The Superconductor-Insulator Transition in the LaAlO3-SrTiO3 Electron | Kürten, Lukas |
09.10.2017 | Nanoscale Electron Spin Resonance | Schlipf, Lukas |
06.10.2017 | Storage and propagation of Rydberg polaritons in a cold atomic medium | Mirgorodskiy, Ivan |
04.10.2017 | Tailored Magnetic Properties of Exchange-Spring and Ultra Hard Nanomagnets | Son, Kwanghyo |
04.10.2017 | Hybrid plasmonic structures for giant Faraday rotation | Flöß, Dominik |
28.09.2017 | Investigations on diamond structures with embedded defects centres using numerical and ab initio simulation techniques | Antonov, Denis |
20.09.2017 | From itinerant to localized: an x-ray spectroscopic study of transition metal oxides | Lu, Yi |
04.08.2017 | Generation of Indistinguishable and Entangled Photons from Semiconductor Quantum Dots: Exploiting Resonant and Coherent Single and Two-Photon Excitation Methods. | Müller, Markus |
21.07.2017 | PT-symmetric dipolar Bose-Einstein condensates: Embedding in a Hermitian system and higher-order exceptional points | Gutöhrlein, Robin |
19.07.2017 | Forefront engineering of nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond for quantum technologies | Favaro de Oliveira, Felipe |
12.07.2017 | Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Laser Ablation in Covalent Materials | Kiselev, Alexander |
11.07.2017 | Coarse Grained Hydrogels | Richter, Tobias |
19.06.2017 | Investigating Superconductivity by Tunneling Spectroscopy Using Oxide Heterostructures | Fillis-Tsirakis, Evangelos |
02.06.2017 | Optical and Magneto-Optical Investigations on 3D Dirac- and Weyl-Semimetals | Neubauer, David |
28.04.2017 | III-V semiconductor photonic integrated circuits with quantum dots as single-photon emitters | Rengstl, Ulrich |
26.04.2017 | Near- and Mid-Infrared Supercontinuum Sources with MHz Repetition Rates | Kedenburg, Stefan |
25.04.2017 | Large-Area Plasmonics and Sensors – Fabrication of plasmonic nanostructures by laser interference lithography and femtosecond direct laser writing | Bagheri, Shanin |
31.03.2017 | Enhanced light-matter interaction with semiconductor quantum dots in single and double cavity structures | Hargart, Fabian |
24.03.2017 | Electronic, adsorption, and transport properties of diamondoid-based complexes | Adhikari, Bibek |
22.03.2017 | A Self-bound Dilute Quantum Liquid of Dysprosium Atoms | Schmitt, Matthias |
17.03.2017 | Electrodynamics of Quantum-Critical Conductors and Superconductors | Pracht, Uwe Santiago |
15.03.2017 | Stochastic thermodynamics of information processing: bipartite systems with feedback, signal inference and information storage | Hartich, David |
09.03.2017 | Die Bedeutung der Kontrolle über mikroskopische Freiheitsgrade für die Effizienz optimierter Maschinen | Bauer, Michael |
22.02.2017 | Rydberg polaritons and Rydberg superatoms – Novel tools for quantum nonlinear optics | Tresp, Christoph |
14.02.2017 | Nonlinear optical microspectroscopy with few-cycle laser pulses | Wan, Hui |
10.02.2017 | Engineering of Hybrid Quantum Diamond Structures for Sensing Applications | Momen Zadeh, Seyed Ali |
09.02.2017 | Bose-Einstein condensates with balanced gain and loss beyond mean-field theory | Dast, Dennis |
09.02.2017 | Bose-Einstein condensates in PT-symmetric potentials | Haag, Daniel |
08.02.2017 | Tricritical Casimir Forces in 3He – 4He Wetting Films | Farahmand Bafi, Nima |
27.01.2017 | Scanning Single-Electron Transistor Array Microscope to Probe a Two-Dimensional Electron System under Quantum Hall Conditions below 40 milli-Kelvin | Mausser, Marcel |
26.01.2017 | Mesoscopic Phenomena in Topological Insulators, Superconductors and Semi-metals | Khalaf, Eslam Mohamed |
18.01.2017 | Nanoscale magnetic resonance imaging | Häberle, Thomas |
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Die Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft (DPG) hat die Promotion in der Physik in Deutschland nun umfassend untersucht. Kern der Studie ist eine Befragung, an der sich ein Viertel aller Physik-Promovierenden beteiligt hat. Aber auch die Meinung von Professorinnen und Professoren und eine Auswertung aller Promotionsordnungen gingen in die Studie ein.
DPG Pressemitteilung, Die Promotion in der Physik in Deutschland
Weitere Informationen
- Die Promotion in der Physik in Deutschland
Pressemitteilung der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft e. V. - Die Promotion in der Physik in Deutschland [pdf]
Eine Studie der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft e. V
Habilitation am Fachbereich Physik
Maßgeblich für eine Habilitation an der Fakultät 8 Mathematik und Physik ist die Habilitationsordnung der Universität Stuttgart.
Weitere Informationen sind über die Geschäftsführung erhältlich.
Eine Liste kürzlich durchgeführter Habilitationen:
Datum | Titel | Name, Vorname |
17.10.2018 | The Consequences of Charge Quantization on the Tunnel Junction of a Scanning Tunneling Microscope | Ast, Christian |
11.04.2018 | Soft Matter in Solution: From Hydrodynamics to Hydrogen Bonds | Smiatek, Jens |
11.05.2016 | General properties of ionic complex fluids | Bier, Markus |
18.07.2014 | Quantum systems with balanced gain and loss, signatures of branch points, and dissociation effects | Cartarius, Holger |
20.06.2012 | Optical Nearfield Investigations of Nano-Plasmonic Structures, Devices, and Materials | Vogelsang, Ralf |
11.04.2012 | Atomistic Theory of Semiconductor Nanostructures | Bester, Gabriel |
Digital veröffentlichte Habilitationen können auf dem Dokumentenserver der Universität Stuttgart heruntergeladen werden.